
英语词汇2024-03-08 02:05:20小编


英 [ˌædəˈlesnts]

美 [ˌædəˈlesnts]

n. 青少年,青春期的人

1. 青少年是指处于青春期的人,通常指13岁到19岁之间的年轻人。

Adolescents refer to people in adolescence, usually between the ages of 13 and 19.

2. 这个词来自拉丁语adolescere,意为“长大”或“成长”。

This word comes from the Latin word adolescent, meaning "to grow up" or "to grow into maturity."

3. 青少年是一个关键的发展阶段,他们开始从孩子变成成年人。在这个阶段,他们经历生理、心理和社会上的许多变化。

Adolescence is a critical stage of development where young people transition from childhood to adulthood. During this stage, they experience many physical, psychological, and social changes.

4. 青少年通常被认为是更加冲动和易怒的,因为他们正处于探索自我和建立身份的阶段。这也可能导致一些挑战性的行为。

Adolescents are often seen as more impulsive and irritable as they are in the process of exploring their identity and establishing themselves. This can also lead to some challenging behavior.

5. 同义词:teenagers、youth、youngsters

Synonyms: teenagers, youth, youngsters


