
英语口语2024-03-16 05:53:54小编







1. 作为动词使用时,attack常与介词on搭配,表示“对...进行攻击”。:

- The enemy attacked on our left flank.(敌人从我们的左翼发起了进攻。)

- The dog suddenly attacked on the little girl.(那只狗突然向小女孩发起了攻击。)

2. attack也可以用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。:

- He was attacked by a group of robbers on his way home.(他在回家的路上遭到了一群强盗的袭击。)

- The politician was viciously attacked by the media for his controversial remarks.(这位家因其有争议的言论而遭到媒体的猛烈抨击。)

3. attack还可以用作不及物动词,表示“发起进攻”。:

- The army is ready to attack at any time.(随时准备发起进攻。)

- The lion attacked without warning.(狮子突然发起了攻击。)

4. 作为名词使用时,attack常表示一次攻击行动或袭击。:

- The terrorist attack caused a lot of casualties.(恐怖袭击造成了许多伤亡。)

- The attack on Pearl Harbor was a turning point in World War II.(对珍珠港的袭击是二战的一个转折点。)

5. attack还可以表示“抨击”,“批评”。:

- The newspaper launched a fierce attack on the government's policies.(报纸对的进行了猛烈抨击。)

- The professor's theory was attacked by his colleagues for being unscientific.(这位教授的理论因为不科学而受到同事们的批评。)




1. assault:意为“袭击”,“进攻”。与attack类似,它也可以作为动词和名词使用。但与attack不同的是,assault更强调和侵犯的意味。

- The city was under assault by enemy forces.(城市遭到了敌的袭击。)

- The victim was assaulted by a group of thugs.(受害者遭到了一群暴徒的袭击。)

2. strike:意为“打击”,“攻击”。与attack类似,它也可以作为动词和名词使用。但strike更强调突然且有力的攻击。

- The workers went on strike to protest against the low wages.(工人们低工资。)

- The lightning struck the tree and set it on fire.(闪电击中了树木并引发了火灾。)

3. invade:意为“入侵”,“侵略”。与attack类似,它也可以作为动词和名词使用。但invade更强调入侵他人或领域。

- The country was invaded by its neighboring country and suffered heavy losses.(该国遭到邻国入侵并遭受重大损失。)

- The doctor warned that bacteria could invade our bodies through cuts or wounds.(医生告说细菌可能通过创口或伤口进入我们的身体。)

4. raid:意为“袭击”,“突袭”。与attack类似,它也可以作为动词和名词使用。但raid更强调突然而又迅速的袭击。

- The police conducted a raid on the drug dealer's hideout.(对贩子的藏身处进行了突袭。)

- The pirates raided the merchant ship and looted all its treasures.(海盗袭击了商船并洗劫了所有的财宝。)

5. strike back:意为“反击”,“回击”。与attack类似,它也可以作为动词短语使用。但strike back更强调对攻击的回应和报复。

- The army successfully struck back and regained the lost territory.(成功地反击并夺回了失地。)

- He was determined to strike back at his enemy for what they had done to him.(他决心要向那些对他做过的事情进行报复。)
