
英语口语2024-03-16 11:37:56小编






1. 作为副词,通常放在动词之后,用来修饰动作的程度。

- The patient is badly injured and needs immediate treatment. (这位患者受伤很严重,需要立即治疗。)

- The team played badly in the first half, but they made a great comeback in the second half. (这支队伍上半场表现很差,但下半场有了巨大的反弹。)

2. 也可以放在形容词之后,表示程度更深或者更严重。

- She was badly hurt in the accident and had to stay in the hospital for weeks. (她在事故中受了重伤,不得不在医院住了几个星期。)

- The company's financial situation is getting worse and they are doing badly this year. (公司的财务状况越来越糟糕,今年的业绩很差。)

3. 在口语中,badly还可以作为一个形容词使用,表示“非常想要”、“迫切需要”的意思。

- I'm badly in need of a vacation. (我非常需要一次假期。)

- She wants to see him badly. (她非常想见他。)


1. The car was badly damaged in the accident, and it's beyond repair now. (这辆车在事故中受到了严重的损坏,现在已经无法修复了。)

2. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that badly. (对不起,我并不是想要伤害你那么严重。)

3. The economy has been hit badly by the pandemic, and many businesses have closed down. (经济受到的严重打击,许多企业已经倒闭。)

4. The child was crying badly after falling off the bike. (孩子从自行车上摔下来后哭得很厉害。)

5. The team performed badly in the competition, but they promised to do better next time. (这支队伍在比赛中表现很差,但他们承诺下次会做得更好。)


1. poorly:意思和badly相似,也可以表示“糟糕地”、“不好地”。但通常用来描述某人的健康或者身体状态。

- She has been feeling poorly for a few days and finally went to see a doctor today. (她几天来一直身体不舒服,今天终于去看了医生。)

- The old man is poorly and needs to rest more. (老人身体不好,需要多休息。)

2. terribly:意思也和badly类似,表示“糟糕地”、“严重地”。但它更强调程度的深重。

- She was terribly upset when she heard the news. (她听到这个消息后非常难过。)

- The weather has been terribly hot these days. (这些天的天气非常炎热。)

3. awfully:也可以表示“糟糕地”、“严重地”,但更多用来表示情感或者感受。

- I'm awfully sorry for being late. (很抱歉我迟到了。)

- She was awfully nervous before the performance. (表演前她非常紧张。)

4. poorly和terribly还可以作为形容词使用,但意思有所不同。


- The family is very poorly and can barely afford their basic needs. (这个家庭非常贫穷,勉强能满足基本需求。)

- The earthquake caused terrible damage to the city. (地震给城市造成了可怕的损失。)


