
英语口语2024-03-16 23:58:37小编


[betteroff] [ˈbetərɔf]





1. 作为形容词使用时,betteroff通常放在名词前面作定语,表示某人或者某物比原来状况更好、更富裕。

- After winning the lottery, Tom was much betteroff financially.


- The company's new strategy has made them betteroff than their compes.


2. 作为副词使用时,betteroff可以修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词,并且放在这些词之后。

- She would be betteroff quitting her job and finding a new one.


- The students are betteroff studying in smaller groups.


- I feel much betteroff now that I have a stable income.



1. After the divorce, Sarah was betteroff without her controlling husband.


2. We would be betteroff taking the train instead of driving in this traffic.


3. The company's profits are betteroff this year compared to last year.


4. He is much betteroff now that he has a job and can support himself.


5. The new policies have made the citizens betteroff and improved their quality of life.



1. Wealthier:更富有的

:After inheriting his grandfather's fortune, John became wealthier and could afford to travel around the world.

2. More prosperous:更繁荣的

:The city has become more prosperous since the opening of the new shopping center.

3. Better situated:处境更佳的

:With her new job, she is now better situated and can afford a nicer apartment.

4. More well-off:更富裕的

:After getting a promotion, Mark is now more well-off and can afford to buy a new car.


通过以上内容,我们可以了解到betteroff这个词的意思是“处境更好的,更富裕的”,它可以作为形容词或者副词使用,用来描述一个人或者事物的状况。它的同义词有wealthier、more prosperous、better situated和more well-off等。要注意将t和e连读成[tə],并且在使用时要根据句子结构和语境来确定其具体含义。
