
英语口语2024-03-23 10:56:36小编


Pinyin: fǔ zhù

Usage: noun

Meaning: supplementary document or text that provides additional information or assistance

Example sentences:

1. The manual comes with a "辅助" document that explains how to troubleshoot common issues.


2. The "辅助" text includes step-by-step instructions on how to assemble the furniture.


3. The teacher handed out a "辅助" sheet to help students better understand the lesson.


4. The company provides a "辅助" guide for new employees, explaining company policies and procedures.


5. This app comes with a "辅助" feature that allows users to easily translate foreign words.


Synonyms and usage:

- 辅导 (fǔ dǎo): guidance, tutoring

Example sentence: My tutor provided me with helpful "辅导" during my exam preparation.


- 帮助 (bāng zhù): help, assistance

Example sentence: The "辅助" document was a great "帮助" in understanding the complex instructions.


- 辅助性 (fǔ zhù xìng): auxiliary, supplementary

Example sentence: The teacher used "辅助性" materials to enhance the students' learning experience.


Editor's summary:

The term "辅助" refers to a supplementary document or text that provides additional information or assistance. It can be used in various contexts, such as manuals, guides, or sheets. Synonyms for "辅助" include 辅导, 帮助, and 辅助性. As an editor, it is important to provide clear and concise definitions for words like "辅助", as well as examples that demonstrate its usage in different sentences.


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