
英语口语2024-03-24 16:59:11小编


negotiate的意思是通过谈判或协商来解决问题或达成协议。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。,我们可以说“他们正在谈判解决这个问题”(negotiate as a transitive verb),也可以说“他们正在进行谈判”(negotiate as an intransitive verb)。


negotiate的读音为 [nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt]。


1. negotiate作为及物动词时,其后常接受事物作为宾语,表示通过谈判来处理或解决该事物。:

- The two countries are negotiating a trade agreement. (这两个正在谈判一项贸易协议。)

- The union is negotiating better working conditions for its members. (工会正在为其成员谈判更好的工作条件。)

2. negotiate也可用作不及物动词,表示进行谈判或协商。:

- The two sides have been negotiating for weeks but still haven't reached an agreement. (双方已经谈了几周了,但仍未达成协议。)

- We are currently negotiating with several potential investors. (我们目前正在与几位潜在投资者进行谈判。)

3. negotiate也可以指成功地处理或解决困难的问题。:

- She skillfully negotiated her way out of the difficult situation. (她巧妙地解决了这个困难的处境。)

- The company managed to negotiate a deal with its creditors and avoid bankruptcy. (该公司成功与其债权人谈判,避免了破产。)


1. The two sides have agreed to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict. (双方已经同意通过谈判来解决这场。)

2. The union is negotiating for higher wages and better benefits for its members. (工会正在为其成员争取更高的工资和更好的福利。)

3. We need to negotiate a compromise that satisfies both parties. (我们需要谈判达成一个能满足双方的妥协。)

4. The government is currently negotiating with the opposition party to reach a consensus on the new policy. (目前正在与反对党进行谈判,以达成对新的共识。)

5. She was able to successfully negotiate a lower price for the car by using her excellent bargaining skills. (她用自己出色的讨价还价技巧成功地将汽车的价格降低了。)


1. bargain:指通过讨价还价来达成交易或协议,含有一定程度上的争取利益的意味。

2. mediate:指作为中间人来调解或协调不同意见或利益。

3. discuss:指通过交流和讨论来达成共识或解决问题。

4. confer:指商讨或协商,强调双方之间的对话和互动。

5. consult:指寻求建议或意见,强调与他人交流来做出决定。




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