
英语口语2024-03-25 04:05:20小编







1. 作为副词,表示“除此之外,否则”。

You should hurry up, otherwise you will miss the train.(你应该赶紧,否则就会错过火车。)

I haven't seen her for a long time, otherwise I would have told her about the party.(我很久没见她了,要不然我会告诉她关于聚会的事。)

2. 可以和or连用,表示两个对立的选择。

You can either take the bus or walk, otherwise you will be late for work.(你可以坐公交车或者走路,要不然就会迟到上班。)

3. 在句子中也可以作为形容词使用,表示“其他的”、“别的”。

Do you have any other questions?(你还有其他问题吗?)

I don't want to do anything else today.(今天我不想做别的事情了。)

4. 可以和than连用,表示“与...不同”、“与...相反”。

I would rather stay at home than go out, otherwise I will catch a cold.(我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去,要不然就会感冒。)

5. 除了作为副词和形容词外,otherwise还可以作为连词使用,表示“否则的话”、“要不然的话”。

You should finish your homework first, otherwise you won't have time to play.(你应该先做完作业,要不然就没时间玩了。)


1. You should eat more vegetables, otherwise you will get sick easily.(你应该多吃蔬菜,要不然就容易生病。)

2. The weather forecast said it would rain today, but otherwise it's quite sunny.(天气预报说今天会下雨,但实际上阳光很好。)

3. I didn't like the movie, but my friends thought otherwise.(我不喜欢这部电影,但我的朋友们却有不同看法。)

4. You can choose to study abroad or find a job, otherwise you can continue your education in your hometown.(你可以选择出国留学或者找工作,要不然就可以在家乡继续深造。)

5. Otherwise, we will have to cancel the trip due to bad weather conditions.(否则的话,我们将不得不因为恶劣的天气条件取消旅行计划。)


1. alternatively:作为副词,表示“或者”、“另外”。

You can either take the bus or alternatively you can walk.(你可以坐公交车,或者你也可以走路。)

2. or else:作为连词,表示“否则的话”、“要不然的话”。

You should finish your homework first, or else you won't have time to play.(你应该先做完作业,否则就没时间玩了。)

3. on the other hand:作为短语,表示“另一方面”、“相反地”。

I don't like this color, but on the other hand, my sister loves it.(我不喜欢这个颜色,但是相反地,我妹妹很喜欢。)

4. instead:作为副词,表示“代替”、“反而”。

I don't want to go to the party, I would rather stay at home instead.(我不想去参加聚会,宁愿呆在家里代替。)

5. in contrast:作为短语,表示“与此相反”、“对比起来”。

The city is very busy, in contrast, the countryside is very peaceful.(城市很忙碌,与此相反的是乡村非常宁静。)




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