
英语口语2024-03-25 10:23:00小编





Peace的音标为 [piːs]。


1. 作为名词:

(1) 表示或个人之间不存在战争、或紧张关系的状态。

例:The two countries finally signed a peace treaty to end the war. (两国最终签署了一项和平条约来结束战争。)

(2) 表示内心的安宁、平静。

例:She found peace in the beautiful scenery of the countryside. (她在美丽乡村的风景中找到了内心的安宁。)

(3) 表示缺乏动荡或骚扰。

例:The city is known for its peace and tranquility. (这座城市以其和平与宁静而闻名。)

2. 作为动词:

(1) 表示使和平、调解。

例:The UN is working to peacefully resolve the conflict between the two countries. (联合国正在努力和平解决两国之间的。)

(2) 表示使平静、安静。

例:The mother tried to peace her crying baby by singing a lullaby. (母亲试图通过唱摇篮曲来安抚哭闹的婴儿。)


1. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and understanding among nations. (诺贝尔和平奖授予那些为促进间和平与理解做出重大贡献的个人。)

2. After years of conflict, the two countries finally reached a peace agreement and put an end to the war. (经过多年的,两国终于达成了和平协议,结束了战争。)

3. The peaceful protest was met with violence from the authorities, causing chaos in the city. (和平遭到的,导致城市陷入混乱。)

4. The meditation retreat helped her find inner peace and clarity in her thoughts. (冥想修行帮助她找到内心的宁静,并澄清了她的思绪。)

5. The couple decided to move to a small village in the countryside, seeking a simpler and more peaceful life. (夫妻俩决定搬到乡村小村庄,寻求一种更简单、更宁静的生活。)


1. Harmony (n.):和谐、协调

例句:The two countries have maintained a state of harmony for decades. (这两个已经保持了数十年的和谐状态。)

2. Tranquility (n.):平静、宁静

例句:The peacefulness and tranquility of the countryside was a welcome change from the chaos of the city. (乡村的平和与宁静是对城市混乱的一种欢迎变化。)

3. Serenity (n.):宁静、平静

例句:The serene atmosphere of the temple made her feel at peace with herself. (寺庙的宁静氛围让她感到与自己和平相处。)

4. Calm (adj.):平静的、镇定的

例句:She took a deep breath to calm her nerves before giving the important presentation. (在做重要报告之前,她深吸一口气来镇定神经。)




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