
英语口语2024-03-26 13:55:53小编







1. 作为名词使用:

- Government regulations are necessary to maintain order in society. (法规对于维护社会秩序是必要的。)

- The company has strict regulations regarding employee behavior. (公司对员工行为有严格的规定。)

- The new regulation on smoking in public places has been well-received by the public. (关于公共场所吸烟的新规定受到了公众的欢迎。)

2. 作为动词使用:

- The government is trying to regulate the use of plastic bags to protect the environment. (正在努力调控塑料袋的使用以保护环境。)

- It's important to regulate your diet and exercise if you want to stay healthy. (如果想保持健康,调节饮食和锻炼非常重要。)


1. The city council has passed a new regulation that requires all restaurants to display their food hygiene ratings prominently.


2. The airline has strict regulations on the size and weight of carry-on luggage.


3. The government is considering implementing new regulations to reduce air pollution.


4. The company has been fined for not complying with safety regulations in the workplace.


5. It's important to regulate your emotions in stressful situations.



1. rule:指一种具有权威性和强制性的指导性准则,可以是制定的也可以是个人或团定的。

- The school has strict rules regarding student behavior.


- She lives her life by a set of personal rules.


2. law:指由或司法制定并具有约束力的法律条文。

- Breaking the law can result in serious consequences.


- The new law on data privacy has been welcomed by the public.


3. guideline:指一种指导性建议,不具有强制性。

- The government has issued guidelines for businesses to follow during the pandemic.


- These are just guidelines, not strict rules.





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