
英语口语2024-03-29 05:21:11小编




trustin的音标为 /ˈtrʌstɪn/。


1. 作为动词:

- I trust in your ability to handle this project.(我相信你有能力处理这个项目。)

- She trusts in her friends to support her.(她相信她的朋友会支持她。)

2. 作为名词:

- Trustin is the foundation of any relationship.(信任是任何关系的基础。)

- I have complete trustin my team.(我对我的团队完全信任。)

3. 作为形容词:

- He is a very trustin person and always keeps his promises.(他是一个非常值得信赖的人,总是遵守自己的承诺。)

- The company has built a strong and trustin reputation over the years.(这家公司多年来建立了强大和值得信赖的声誉。)


1. I have complete trustin my best friend and I know she will always be there for me.


2. Trustin is crucial in any successful partnership.


3. It takes time to build trustin someone, but it can be easily broken.


4. The company's success is built on the trustin its customers.


5. I have a hard time trustin people who have let me down in the past.



1. Confidence:指对某人或某物能力、品质或价值的坚定信心。

- He has confidence in his team's ability to win the championship.(他对他队伍赢得冠有信心。)

2. Reliance:指依赖或依靠某人或某物。

- She has a strong reliance on her family for emotional support.(她非常依赖家人提供情感支持。)

3. Faith:指强烈的信念和信心,通常与相关。

- She has faith that everything will work out in the end.(她相信最终一切都会解决。)

4. Belief:指对某件事情或观点的坚定看法。

- I have a strong belief in the power of positive thinking.(我坚信积极思考的力量。)




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