
英语口语2024-03-29 20:28:09小编


whiteChristmas是指在圣诞节期间,天空中飘落的白雪,也是一首经典的圣诞歌曲。这首歌曲由Irving Berlin于1942年创作,被誉为美国最受欢迎的圣诞歌曲之一。它讲述了一个人离开家乡,在异乡度过寒冷的圣诞夜,思念着家人和家乡的温暖。


whiteChristmas [waɪt ˈkrɪsməs]




1. It's a dream of mine to experience a white Christmas in New York City. (我梦想着在纽约市体验一次白色圣诞节。)

2. The children were excited to see the snowflakes falling on Christmas Eve, they couldn't wait to wake up to a white Christmas. (孩子们在圣诞前夕看到雪花飘落非常兴奋,他们迫不及待地想要醒来过一个白色圣诞节。)

3. It's a tradition for our family to have a white Christmas, we always go skiing together on Christmas Day. (我们家有一个传统,每年圣诞节都要过一个白色圣诞节,我们总是在圣诞节一起去滑雪。)

4. The snowstorm made it difficult for people to travel, but it also created a beautiful white Christmas scene. (暴风雪让人们的旅行变得困难,但也创造了一个美丽的白色圣诞节场景。)

5. I miss the white Christmas back home, but I'm grateful to spend this holiday with my new friends in a warm and welcoming place. (我想念家乡的白色圣诞节,但我很感激能在这个温暖友好的地方和新朋友一起度过这个假期。)


1. Snowy Christmas: 指在圣诞节期间有大量的雪,可以形容天气或场景。

例句:We're hoping for a snowy Christmas this year so we can have a snowball fight in the backyard.(我们希望今年能有一个下雪的圣诞节,这样我们就可以在后院打雪仗了。)

2. Winter wonderland: 指冬季充满魔幻和奇迹般的美景。

例句:The city turned into a winter wonderland after the heavy snowfall, it's so magical.(这座城市在大雪后变成了一个冬季仙境,太神奇了。)

3. Festive snow: 指圣诞节期间下的雪,用于形容节日气氛。

例句:The festive snow made the town look like a scene from a Christmas movie.(节日的雪让小镇看起来像是从一部圣诞电影中走出来的场景。)


whiteChristmas是指圣诞节期间飘落的白雪,也是一首经典的圣诞歌曲。它可以用作名词和形容词,用来形容冬季充满温馨、浪漫和幸福气氛的场景。同义词包括snowy Christmas、winter wonderland和festive snow。无论是在家乡还是异乡,人们都希望能在圣诞节过一个白色的节日,享受雪地带来的美好回忆。


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