
出境入境2024-03-16 19:57小乐



其中有四位华人:中国科学院院士、中国疾病预防控制中心主任、中国科学院微生物研究所教授、病原微生物学家、免疫学家高福和Shirley M. Tilghman ,普林斯顿大学终身讲座教授。结构生物学家颜宁当选美国科学院外籍院士;哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院教授索志刚和洛克菲勒大学教授、霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员陈珏当选美国科学院院士。




颜宁毕业于清华大学,获学士学位,2000年出国深造,在普林斯顿大学完成博士生涯,并师从著名结构生物学家、现任西华大学校长施一公教授继续从事博士后工作。湖大学。 2007年,年仅30岁的颜宁从普林斯顿大学回国,回到本科就读的清华大学任教。他成为当时清华大学最年轻的博士生导师。






颜宁目前是普林斯顿大学分子生物学系第一位Shirley M. Tilghman终身教授。雪莉·蒂尔曼(Shirley Tillman)是世界著名的分子生物学家,也是普林斯顿大学建校200 多年来第一位女校长。

颜宁赴美后依然保持着“高生产力”。 2018年6月底至9月初,颜宁团队仅用时70天,在顶级学术期刊《科学》上发表了三篇论文。






阿克曼,苏珊·L.霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员; Steven Kuffler 生物学系主任、细胞与分子医学系教授,加州大学圣地亚哥分校


阿尔伯茨,苏珊·C.北卡罗来纳州达勒姆杜克大学生物学和进化人类学系生物学教授Robert F. Durden

巴伦特斯,莱昂; Pat 和Joe Yzurdiaga 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校Kavli 理论物理研究所理论物理学主席、物理学教授、永久会员



比尔鲍姆,罗西娜·M.马里兰大学自然经济学Roy F. Westin 主席;密歇根大学安娜堡分校自然资源与环境政策教授

布克,乡绅J.霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员;宾夕法尼亚州立大学州立学院化学系Evan Pugh 大学化学教授、生物化学和分子生物学教授

博伊登,爱德华·S.霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员; Y. Eva Tan 神经技术教授,剑桥麻省理工学院大脑与认知科学和生物工程系教授







科隆纳,马可; Robert Rock Belliveau 医学博士、圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院病理学和免疫学系病理学教授











福格尔,玛丽莲·L. EDGE 研究所所长,加州大学河滨分校地球科学系Wilbur W. Mayhew 地球生态学教授

朋友,辛西娅·M.西奥多·威廉·理查兹(Theodore William Richards) 化学教授、材料科学教授、哈佛大学罗兰研究所化学与化学生物学系主任,哈佛大学,马萨诸塞州剑桥市。



戈德堡,皮内洛皮·K.康涅狄格州纽黑文市耶鲁大学经济系William K. Lanman 经济学教授

格林,克里斯·H.阿尔伯特·奥弗豪瑟(Albert Overhauser) 杰出教授,普渡大学物理与天文学系,西拉斐特,印第安纳州

格林,南希·B. Virginia M. Ullman 亚利桑那州立大学生命科学学院生态学教授兼高级可持续发展科学家,坦佩


哈蒙德,保拉·T. David H. Koch (1962) 剑桥麻省理工学院化学工程系工程教授兼系主任

哈里森,玛丽亚·J.纽约州伊萨卡康奈尔大学博伊斯汤普森植物研究所William H. Crocker 研究主席

希尔德,丽贝卡; Flora Lamson Hewlett 生物化学讲座教授、加州大学伯克利分校分子和细胞生物学系细胞和发育生物学系主任兼教授





卡恩,丹尼尔;哈佛大学化学与化学生物学系化学与化学生物学以及分子与细胞生物学Higgins 教授,马萨诸塞州剑桥市。

卡米翁科夫斯基,马克; William R. Kenan Jr. 巴尔的摩约翰·霍普金斯大学物理与天文学系教授

柯克加德,卡拉A. Violetta L. Horton 研究教授、遗传学教授、微生物学和免疫学教授,斯坦福大学遗传学系,斯坦福大学,加利福尼亚州。


克拉,布琳娜·丽贝卡; Sarah Rebecca Roland 伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿西北大学数学系数学教授。

克拉斯诺,马克·A.霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员;以及加州斯坦福大学医学院生物化学系Paul 和Millie Berg 生物化学教授。

莱布森,大卫;罗伯特·戈德曼(Robert I. Goldman) 经济学教授兼哈佛大学经济系系主任,马萨诸塞州剑桥市。



莱伊,蒂莫西·J.刘易斯T. 和罗莎琳德B. 苹果C

hair in Oncology, pision of oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis Lipson, Michal; professor, department of electrical and computer engineering, Columbia University, New York City Long, Stephen P.; Gutgsell Endowed Professor and Ikenberry Endowed University Chair, departments of plant biology and crop sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Malik, Harmit S.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and full member, pision of basic sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle Marchetti, M. Cristina; professor, department of physics, University of California, Santa Barbara Marraffini, Luciano A.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor, The Rockefeller University, New York City Mart�nez, Todd J.; D.M. Ehrsam and E.C. Franklin Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University; and professor of photon science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, Calif. Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof; J.C. Warner University Professor of Natural Science, department of chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh McGinnis, William J.; professor of biology and dean, pision of biological sciences, cell, and developmental biology, University of California, San Diego Mele, Eugene J.; professor of physics, department of physics and astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Milner, George R.; distinguished professor of anthropology, department of anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, State College Milner, Helen V.; B.C. Forbes Professor of Politics and International Affairs, and founding director, Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. Moffitt, Robert A.; Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Economics, department of economics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Moore, David D.; R.P. Doherty Jr. Welch Professorship and professor, department of molecular and cellular biology, department of medicine, and department of molecular and human genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Nelson, Mark T.; university distinguished professor and chair of pharmacology, University of Vermont, Burlington Newman, Dianne K.; professor of biology and geobiology, pision of geological and planetary sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Ostrander, Elaine A.; NIH distinguished investigator, and chief, Cancer Genetics Branch and Intramural Research Program, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Pierrehumbert, Janet B.; senior research fellow, Trinity College; and professor of language modelling, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Rabin, Matthew; Pershing Square Professor of Behavioral Economics, department of economics, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Raulet, David; professor of immunology and pathogenesis and co-chair, department of molecular and cell biology, University of California, Berkeley Regev, Aviv; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; professor, department of biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and chair of the faculty and core member, The Broad Institute, Cambridge, Mass. Reid, Mark J.; senior radio astronomer, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. Roeder, Kathryn; professor, department of statistics and computational biology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Ronald, Pamela C.; director of grass genetics, Joint BioEnergy Institute; and distinguished professor, department of plant pathology, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Genome Center, University of California, Davis Roussel, Martine F.; professor, full member, and endowed chair in molecular oncogenesis, tumor cell biology department, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. Sabatini, Bernardo L.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and Alice and Rodman W. Moorhead III Professor, department of neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston Schutz, Bernard F.; professor and deputy director, Data Innovation Research Institute, School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom Seljak, Uros; Professor, Departments of Astronomy and Physics, University of California, Berkeley and Faculty Senior Staff, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Shenker, Scott J.; professor, department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, University of California, Berkeley Simon, Barry; IBM Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, pision of physics, astronomy, and mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Smith, Karen E.; professor of mathematics, department of mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Smith, Linda; distinguished professor, department of psychological and brain sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington Speck, Nancy A.; investigator, Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute; and professor, department of cell and developmental biology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia Spencer, Thomas E.; Curators' Distinguished Professor of Animal Sciences and professor of reproductive biology and genomics, pision of animal sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia Strome, Susan; distinguished professor, department of molecular, cell, and developmental biology, University of California, Santa Cruz Suo, Zhigang; Allen E. and Marilyn M. Puckett Professor of Mechanics and Materials, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Tirrell, Matthew V.; Pritzker Director, Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, Chicago Turner, Paul E.; Elihu Professor, department of ecology and evolutionary biology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Valley, John W.; Charles R. Hise Professor, department of geoscience, University of Wisconsin, Madison VandeWoude, Sue; professor, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins Voytas, Daniel F.; director, Center for Genome Engineering, and professor, department of genetics, cell biology, and development, University of Minnesota, St. Paul Weis, William I.; William M. Hume Professor, professor of structural biology, molecular and cellular physiology, and photon science, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif. Williams, David R.; Florence and Laura Norman Professor of Public Health, and professor of African and African American studies and sociology, department of social and behavioral sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston Wolberger, Cynthia; professor, department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore Wolfner, Mariana F.; Goldwin Smith Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics, department of molecular biology and genetics. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Yacoby, Amir; professor of physics and professor of applied physics, department of physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Yaghi, Omar M.; James and Neeltje Tretter Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley Yazdani, Ali; professor of physics, department of physics, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. Zilberman, David; professor of agricultural and resource economics, and Robinson Chair, department of agriculture and resource economics, University of California, Berkeley Zuk, Marlene; professor, department of ecology, evolution, and behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 最新一批美国国家科学院外籍院士名单 �vila, Artur; full professor and researcher, Institut f�r Mathematik, Universit�t Z�rich, Switzerland (Brazil/France) Blatt, Rainer; scientific director, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences; and professor of physics, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria (Austria/Germany) Blundell, Richard; David Ricardo Professor of Political Economy, department of economics, University College London, United Kingdom (United Kingdom) Castillo Butters, Luis Jaime; full professor of archaeology, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Peru) Feringa, Ben L.; Jacobus van't Hoff Distinguished Professor of Molecular Sciences, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen, Netherlands (Netherlands) Fischer, Alain; professor, College of France; and professor, Institute Imagine, Hospital Necker-Enfants Maladies, France (France) Gao, George F.; director general, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; dean, medical school, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; vice president, National Natural Science Foundation of China; and professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China (People’s Republic of China) Graves, Jennifer A.M.; professor emeritus, Australian National University; and distinguished professor, School of Life Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia (Australia) Gyimah-Boadi, Emmanuel; co-founder and executive director, Afrobarometer; and executive director, Ghana Center for Democratic Development, Ghana (Ghana) Harel, David; William Sussman Professor of Mathematics, department of computer science and applied mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (Israel) Hassan, Rashid; professor emeritus, agricultural economics, extension and rural development, environmental economics, University of Pretoria, South Africa (South Africa/Sudan) Langdale, Jane A.; senior research fellow, Queen's College; and professor, department of plant development, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (United Kingdom) Logan, Gordon; Centennial Professor, department of psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. (Canada) Nielsen, Jens; professor, department of biology and biological engineering, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden (Denmark) Normark, Staffan; professor, department of microbiology, tumor, and cell biology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden (Sweden) Novoselov, Konstantin S.; Langworthy Professor of Physics, University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Russia/United Kingdom) Oren, Moshe; professor, molecular cell biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (Israel) Sa�z, Juan Carlos; acting director, Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valpara�so, Chile (Chile) Sauvage, Jean-Pierre; professor emeritus, Supramolecular Science and Engineering Institute, University of Strasbourg, France (France) Scheffer, Marten; head, aquatic ecology and water management department, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands (Netherlands) Spirin, Alexander; former director, Institute of Protein Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia (Russia) Stef�nsson, K�ri; professor of medicine, University of Iceland; and president, chief executive officer, and director, deCODE genetics, Iceland (Iceland) Watt, Fiona M.; director, Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, King's College, United Kingdom (United Kingdom) Yan, Nieng; Shirley M. Tilghman Professor of Molecular Biology, department of molecular biology, Princeton University (People’s Republic of China) Zechner, Rudolf; director, BioTechMed-Graz; and professor, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Austria (Austria)
