absentee [æbsənˈtiː]
1. The company's absentee rate has been on the rise recently, causing concern among the management team. 公司的缺勤率最近一直在上升,引起了管理团队的关注。
2. The teacher was frustrated by the high number of absentees in her class, as it made it difficult to keep up with the lesson plan. 老师对她班上缺勤人数过多感到沮丧,因为这让她很难按时完成教学计划。
3. The absentee landlord rarely visited his properties, leaving them in a state of disrepair. 这位房东经常不在,导致他的房产状况糟糕。
4. The absentee ballot allows citizens who are unable to vote in person to still participate in the election. 邮寄选票允许无法亲自投票的公民仍然参与。
5. The company has a strict policy for dealing with absentees, as it affects productivity and team morale. 公司对处理缺勤者有严格的,因为它会影响生产力和团队士气。
1. Truant [ˈtruːənt] 名词,指经常旷课或逃学的人。:The school has a zero tolerance policy for truants. 这所学校对逃学者有零容忍的。
2. No-show [ˈnəʊʃəʊ] 名词,指未出现的人。:There were a few no-shows at the party, but it was still a great time. 有几个人没有来参加派对,但还是很开心。
3. Absent-minded [ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd] 形容词,指心不在焉的、健忘的。:He is always so absent-minded, he forgot his keys again today. 他总是这么心不在焉,今天又忘记带钥匙了。
4. AWOL [eɪwɒl] 缩写词,“Absent Without Leave”,意为擅自离开。:The soldier was punished for going AWOL during his deployment. 这名士因在驻扎期间擅自离开而受到惩罚。
5. No-present [nəʊˈpreznt] 名词,指未出席或缺席某场活动的人。:The no-presents at the meeting were marked as unexcused absences. 在上缺席的人被标记为无故缺勤。