assembly_line是什么意思_中英文、音标、(英)[əˈsembli ˌlain],(美)[əˈsɛmbli ˌlaɪn]
怎么读(音标):[əˈsembli ˌlain] 或 [əˈsɛmbli ˌlaɪn]
例句1:The factory has introduced an assembly line to increase production efficiency. (这家工厂引进了流水线来提高生产效率。)
例句2:The assembly line is operated by skilled workers who are trained to perform specific tasks. (流水线由训练有素的工人操作,每个工人负责完成特定的任务。)
例句3:The use of assembly lines has revolutionized the manufacturing industry. (流水线的使用彻底改变了制造业。)
例句4:It takes only a few hours for a car to be assembled on the assembly line. (一辆汽车在流水线上组装只需要几个小时。)
例句5:The company plans to expand its assembly line to meet the increasing demand for its products. (公司计划扩大其流水线以满足对其产品日益增长的需求。)
同义词及用法:assembly line的同义词包括production line、manufacturing line、assembly process等,它们都指的是类似的工业生产方式。