读音:[koʊˈɔːrɡənaɪzər] [wɪˈdʌbəljuː wɪˈdʌbəljuː wɪˈdʌbəljuː] [nænɪŋ teɪst ˈkʌlər ˈɪmɪdʒ]
用法:Co-organizer通常用于指在某项活动或项目中与其他人共同承担组织工作的人。而www.nnsky.com是一个网站的域名,是南宁本地的一个旅游网站,提供了南宁当地的美食、景点、文化等信息。Nanning taste color image则指南宁独特的味道和色彩形象。
1. The co-organizers of the charity event worked together to ensure its success.
2. The website www.nnsky.com has become a go-to resource for tourists looking to experience the taste and color of Nanning.
3. The Nanning Taste Color Image Festival celebrates the unique flavors and vibrant hues of the city's cuisine and culture.
4. As a co-organizer of the fashion show, she was responsible for coordinating the models and designers.
5. The Nanning Taste Color Image Tour takes visitors on a journey through the city's most iconic and colorful sights.