
英语听力2024-03-18 22:16:53小编




dal [dæl]


1. 作为名词使用时,通常指代特定的地名,如:

- Dollar: 达尔(苏格兰中部城镇)

- Dales: 达尔斯(英格兰北部山区)

2. 作为动词使用时,一般表示人或物因失去平衡而跌倒或摔倒。常与介词down连用,如:

- He tripped and dall down the stairs. (他绊了一下,从楼梯上摔了下来。)

- The old man slipped on the ice and dall down. (老人在冰上滑倒了。)

3. 作为形容词使用时,通常用来形容人或物缺乏灵活性、笨拙或不灵敏。:

- She is quite dal when it comes to sports. (她在运动方面相当笨拙。)

- The heavy backpack made him feel dal and unbalanced. (沉重的背包让他感觉笨重、不平衡。)


1. I grew up in the Dales, surrounded by beautiful countryside. (我在达尔斯长大,被美丽的乡村环绕。)

2. The exchange rate for the Dollar is getting higher and higher. (美元的汇率越来越高。)

3. She slipped on the wet floor and dall down with a loud thud. (她在湿滑的地板上滑倒,发出巨大的撞击声。)

4. His lack of coordination made him look quite dal on the dance floor. (他缺乏协调性,在舞池里看起来相当笨拙。)

5. The cat tried to jump onto the table, but it was too dal and fell back down to the ground. (猫想跳上桌子,但是太笨拙了,最终掉回了地面上。)


1. stumble:作为动词时,表示“绊倒”、“踌躇不前”,常与介词on连用;作为名词时,表示“跌倒”、“失误”。:

- He stumbled on a rock and fell into the river.


- The speaker stumbled over his words during the presentation.


2. clumsy:作为形容词时,表示“笨拙的”、“不灵活的”,常用来形容人或物。:

- She is so clumsy that she always breaks things.


- The elephant's trunk may seem clumsy, but it is actually very agile.


3. awkward:作为形容词时,表示“不熟练的”、“难处理的”,也可以指人或物。:

- He felt awkward on the dance floor because he didn't know the steps.


- The new machine was quite awkward to use at first, but we got used to it eventually.



