
英语听力2024-03-21 03:29:25小编






1. 作为动词时,freeload指某人在不付出任何代价的情况下从他人那里获得利益或服务。:

- She always freeloads off her friends and never offers to pay for anything. (她总是向朋友免费搭便车,却从来不主动付钱。)

- He's been freeloading at his parents' house for the past year. (他已经在父母家白吃白喝一年了。)

2. 作为名词时,freeload指某人免费搭便车或享受其他人提供的服务。:

- The freeload on the train was caught by the conductor. (火车上的免费乘客被列车长抓住了。)

- I'm tired of being a freeload at my sister's house, I need to get my own place. (我已经厌倦了在姐姐家做免费乘客,我需要有自己的地方。)


1. She's always freeloaded off her parents, but now she needs to learn how to support herself. (她总是向父母免费搭便车,但现在她需要学会如何养活自己。)

2. He's been freeloading off his girlfriend for months, it's time for him to get a job. (他已经几个月都在向女朋友免费搭便车,是时候找份工作了。)

3. We can't keep freeloading on our friends, we need to start paying for our own expenses. (我们不能一直向朋友们白吃白喝,我们需要开始为自己的开销付钱。)

4. The company doesn't want employees who just freeload and don't contribute anything. (公司不想要那些只会白吃白喝、不做贡献的员工。)

5. She's always been a freeloader, never offering to pay for anything or help out in any way. (她一直都是个免费乘客,从来不主动付钱或提供帮助。)


1. Leech:指某人依赖他人而不做任何贡献的人,与freeload的意思相同。

- He's such a leech, always taking advantage of others without giving anything in return.


2. Mooch:指某人白吃白喝或搭便车,与freeload的意思相同。

- He's been mooching off his friends for months, it's time for him to start paying his own way.


3. Sponge:指某人总是从他人那里得到利益而不付出任何代价,与freeload的意思相同。

- She's been sponging off her parents her whole life, it's time for her to start supporting herself.



