
英语听力2024-03-21 08:20:42小编



game_console是指游戏机,它是一种专门用于玩电子游戏的设备,通常由主机、手柄、游戏光盘等组成。它可以连接电视或者显示器,让玩家可以在大屏幕上享受游戏的乐趣。目前市面上流行的游戏机有PlayStation、Xbox、Nintendo Switch等。

Game_console is a gaming device that is specifically designed for playing electronic games. It usually consists of a console, controller, and game discs. It can be connected to a TV or monitor, allowing players to enjoy games on a larger screen. Popular game consoles on the market include PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, etc.


/game kənˈsəʊl/



- I love playing video games on my game console.

- The new game console has better graphics than the previous version.

- He bought a new game console for his son's birthday.


1. She spends hours playing games on her game console every day. 她每天花几个小时在她的游戏机上玩游戏。

2. The latest game console from Sony has been selling like hotcakes since its release. 索尼最新推出的游戏机自发布以来一直热销。

3. I prefer playing games on a game console rather than on a computer. 我更喜欢在游戏机上玩游戏,而不是在电脑上。

4. The game console market is highly competitive, with new releases from different companies every year. 游戏机市场竞争激烈,每年都会有不同公司推出新产品。

5. My brother and I used to fight over who got to use the game console first when we were kids. 我和我弟弟小时候经常为了谁先用游戏机而争吵。


1. gaming system:指游戏,也可以用来指游戏机。

2. video game console:指视频游戏机,通常用来区分传统的电子游戏和电子娱乐设备。

3. console:除了指游戏机外,也可以指其他类型的台或者仪表盘。

4. gaming device:泛指任何可以用来玩游戏的设备,包括电脑、手机等。

5. entertainment system:娱乐,也可以包括电视、音响等其他设备。


game_console是一种专门用于玩电子游戏的设备,它让玩家可以在大屏幕上享受游戏的乐趣。它通常由主机、手柄、游戏光盘等组成,可以连接电视或者显示器。除了指游戏机外,还有一些同义词可以用来指代它,如gaming system、video game console等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确解释单词的含义,并且提供相关的例句和同义词,让读者更好地理解和运用这个词汇。
