
英语听力2024-03-23 18:31:09小编


- King_Vulture是什么意思(中文):国王兀鹫

- King_Vulture是什么意思(英文):A large, colorful vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) of tropical America, having a white body, black flight feathers, and a ruff of white feathers around the neck.

怎么读(音标):[king vuhl-cher]


例句1:The king vulture is often referred to as the "clean-up crew" of the rainforest due to its scavenging habits.(国王兀鹫通常被称为雨林的“清洁队”,因为它们习惯于食腐)

例句2:The king vulture's distinctive appearance makes it a popular subject for wildlife photographers.(国王兀鹫独特的外观使其成为野生动物摄影师们喜爱的拍摄对象)

例句3:The zoo recently welcomed a new addition to their collection - a pair of king vultures.(动物园最近迎来了新的成员——一对国王兀鹫)

例句4:Despite its size and intimidating appearance, the king vulture is actually quite gentle and rarely attacks live prey.(尽管体型庞大、外表吓人,但国王兀鹫实际上非常温和,很少攻击活猎物)

例句5:The king vulture plays an important role in the ecosystem by helping to control the spread of disease through its scavenging activities.(国王兀鹫通过食腐活动帮助疾病的传播,在生态中起着重要作用)

同义词及用法:King_Vulture的同义词包括King Vulture、Sarcoramphus papa、Papa de los Andes等。它们都指代同一种动物,只是名称上有所差异。在文中可以根据需要选择使用不同的名称。



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