Mocca is a type of coffee, also known as mocha coffee, that has a rich chocolate and caramel flavor. This coffee originated from the port of Mocha in Yemen, hence the name mocha coffee. Nowadays, mocca has become a generic term for any coffee with a chocolate flavor.
mocca [ˈmɑːkə]
Mocca通常作为名词使用,用来描述具有浓郁巧克力味道的咖啡。它可以单独作为一个词使用,也可以与其他词搭配使用,比如“mocca latte”、“mocca cappuccino”等。
Mocca is commonly used as a noun to describe coffee with a rich chocolate flavor. It can be used as a standalone word or combined with other words, such as "mocca latte" or "mocca cappuccino."
1. I'll have a cup of mocca, please.(我要一杯摩卡咖啡。)
2. The new café in town serves the best mocca latte I've ever had.(镇上的新咖啡馆提供的摩卡拿铁是我喝过最好的。)
3. The combination of chocolate and coffee makes mocca a popular choice among coffee lovers.(巧克力和咖啡的结合让摩卡成为咖啡爱好者的热门选择。)
4. She ordered a double shot of espresso with a dash of mocca syrup for extra flavor.(她点了一份双份浓缩咖啡,加入了一点摩卡糖浆增加口味。)
5. Mocca is often used as a ping for desserts, adding a rich and indulgent touch to the dish.(摩卡经常被用作甜点的配料,为菜肴增添浓郁和奢华的风味。)
mocca与mocha是同义词,它们都指代具有巧克力味道的咖啡。除此之外,还有一些其他可替换使用的同义词,比如chocolate coffee、choco-coffee、chococcino等。
Mocca and mocha are synonymous and both refer to coffee with a chocolate flavor. Other interchangeable synonyms include chocolate coffee, choco-coffee, chococcino, etc.