
英语听力2024-03-26 07:18:17小编



怎么读:[ɒn ðæt deɪ əv ɔːl əˈrɪdʒənlz]


例句1:On that day of all originals, the museum held a special exhibition to showcase the ancient artifacts discovered in the nearby ruins.(所有原始物品的那一天,博物馆举办了一场特别展览,展示附近遗址的古代文物。)

例句2:I remember on that day of all originals, my grandfather showed me his collection of vintage coins and told me stories about their origins.(我记得所有原始物品的那一天,我的祖父给我展示了他收藏的复古硬币,并告诉我关于它们起源的故事。)

例句3:She always wears a piece of jewelry on that day of all originals, as a tribute to her late grandmother who gave it to her.(她总是在所有原始物品的那一天戴着一件珠宝,作为对她已故祖母的致敬,这件珠宝是祖母送给她的。)

例句4:On that day of all originals, a group of archaeologists discovered a hidden chamber in the pyramid, filled with ancient artifacts.(所有原始物品的那一天,一群考古学家在金字塔中了一个隐藏的室内,里面堆满了古代文物。)

例句5:The festival is held on that day of all originals every year, to celebrate the rich history and culture of the town.(每年都会在所有原始物品的那一天举办节日,以庆祝这个小镇丰富的历史和文化。)

同义词及用法:on that particular day of all originals(所有原始物品的那一特定天),on that significant day of all originals(所有原始物品的那一重要日子)。

编辑总结:on_that_day_of_all_originals是一个用来指代某个或者活动发生日期的短语,它强调了这个时间点对于原始物品的重要性。它可以用来描述任何类型的或者活动,通常作为一个完整短语出现。除了常见的“on that day”这种表达方式外,也可以使用同义词来增加表达方式多样性。


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