
英语听力2024-03-26 11:52:29小编


1. out_of是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思:


Out_of is a English phrase which means outside of a certain state or position, externally, beyond a scope. It can be used as a preposition or an adverb to indicate not being in a specific place, range or condition.

2. 怎么读(音标):

[out əv]

3. 用法:

作为介词时,out_of通常接名词或者代词作宾语,表示不在某个特定的地方、范围或状态下。:out_of the box (不在盒子里)、out_of order (不按顺序)、out_of control (失控)。作为副词时,通常修饰动词,表示离开某个地方或状态。:run out_of the room (跑出房间)、stay out_of trouble (避免麻烦)。

As a preposition, out_of usually takes a noun or pronoun as its object, indicating not being in a specific place, range or condition. For example: out_of the box, out_of order, out_of control. As an adverb, it usually modifies verbs and indicates leaving a place or state. For example: run out_of the room, stay out_of trouble.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. She always stands out_of the crowd with her unique fashion sense. (她总是因为独特的时尚品味而脱颖而出。)

2. The car ran out_of gas on the highway, so we had to call for help. (汽车在高速公路上没油了,所以我们不得不求助。)

3. The children are playing out_of doors in the sunshine. (孩子们在阳光下户外玩耍。)

4. The company is currently out_of business due to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,该公司目前处于停业状态。)

5. He was completely out_of his mind when he heard the news of his wife's death. (当他听到妻子去世的消息时,他完全失去了理智。)

5. 同义词及用法:

out_of的同义词包括outside、beyond、away from等,它们都表示离开某个地方或状态。但是它们有些微小的差别:outside更偏向于指外部的位置或范围;beyond更偏向于指超出某个限制或范围;away from更偏向于指远离某个地方。

Synonyms for out_of include outside, beyond, away from, etc., which all indicate leaving a place or state. However, they have slight differences: outside tends to refer to an external position or range; beyond tends to refer to something exceeding a limit or range; away from tends to refer to being far from a place.

6. 编辑总结:



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