
英语听力2024-03-29 03:07:15小编







1. 作为动词使用时,screwup通常接一个宾语,表示某人或某事被搞砸、弄错或搞乱了。

- He screwed up the presentation by forgetting his notes.


- The new manager really screwed up the company's finances.


2. 作为名词使用时,screwup可以指某个具体的错误或失误,也可以泛指某人或某事造成的一系列错误。

- The screwup in the report cost us a lot of time and money.


- She's always causing screwups in the office.



1. I'm really sorry, I screwed up and forgot to send the email. (我真的很抱歉,我搞砸了,忘记发邮件了。)

2. The company's profits have been declining ever since the new CEO screwed up the marketing strategy. (自从新任CEO搞砸了营销策略,公司的利润一直在下降。)

3. Don't let one screwup ruin your confidence, everyone makes mistakes. (不要让一个错误毁掉你的信心,每个人都会犯错。)

4. The team's screwup during the game cost them the championship title. (比赛中团队的失误让他们失去了冠头衔。)

5. He's known for his screwups at work, but somehow he always manages to fix them in the end. (他以工作中的失误而闻名,但不知怎么地,最后总能解决问题。)


1. Mess up:与screwup意思相近,也可以表示“弄乱”、“弄脏”等。

- I really messed up my room trying to find my keys.


- The chef messed up the dish by adding too much salt.


2. Blunder:与screwup意思相似,也可以表示“大错”、“大失误”。

- The blunder in the contract caused a lot of problems for the company.


- She made a huge blunder by forgetting her lines during the play.


3. Fiasco:与screwup意思相近,也可以表示“惨败”、“彻底失败”的情况。

- The party was a complete fiasco, no one showed up.


- The marketing campaign turned into a fiasco when the product was recalled due to safety concerns.



Screwup是一个常用的动词和名词,用来形容因为粗心、不负责任或缺乏技能而导致的失败或混乱情况。它的同义词包括mess up、blunder和fiasco等,但每个词都有自己的特定用法和搭配。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择最合适的词汇。


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