
英语听力2024-03-29 05:02:22小编




seeker [ˈsiːkər]


1. 作为名词使用时:

a. 指代一个人:He is a seeker of truth.(他是一个追求真理的人。)

b. 指代一件事物:The company is a seeker of innovation.(这家公司是一家追求创新的企业。)

2. 作为形容词使用时:

a. 修饰一个人:She is a seeker of knowledge and wisdom.(她是一个追求知识和智慧的人。)

b. 修饰一件事物:The project is a seeker of new technology.(这个项目是一项追求新技术的工程。)


1. She is a seeker of adventure and loves to travel to new places.


2. The company is constantly seeking ways to improve its products and services.


3. The seeker of truth should always question and seek answers.


4. As a seeker of knowledge, he spends most of his time reading and learning.


5. The project team is a seeker of innovation, always looking for new ideas and approaches.



1. searcher:指代一个人或事物在寻找某样东西或追求某种目标。

例句:The searcher combed through the forest in search of the missing hiker.(搜寻者在森林中搜寻失踪的徒步旅行者。)

2. explorer:指代一个人或事物探索未知领域或新事物。

例句:The explorer braved the harsh conditions to reach the summit of the mountain.(探险家冒着恶劣条件登上了山顶。)

3. pursuer:指代一个人或事物追逐、追赶某样东西或目标。

例句:The pursuer chased after the thief through the crowded streets.(追捕者穿过拥挤的街道追赶小偷。)

4. aspirant:指代一个渴望成为某样东西或实现某种目标的人。

例句:The young actress is an aspirant for fame and success in Hollywood.(这位年轻的女演员渴望在好莱坞获得名声和成功。)

5. quester:指代一个人或事物追寻、探索真理或某种知识。

例句:The quester spent years studying ancient texts in search of the meaning of life.(探求者花了多年时间研究古代文本,以寻找生命的意义。)




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