
英语听力2024-03-29 09:12:11小编




[ʃeɪk aʊt]


1. 作为及物动词,shake_out通常指用手或其他工具抖出、摇出或拍打出某物。:

- He shook out the rug to get rid of the dust.


- The dog shook out its wet fur after coming out of the water.


2. 作为不及物动词,shake_out指身体或肢体做出一系列快速而有力的运动。:

- She shook out her arms to relieve the tension.


- The runner shook out his legs before the race.


3. 作为及物或不及物动词,shake_out也可以表示“摆脱;除去”。:

- It's important to shake out any negative thoughts before an exam.


- The company is trying to shake out its outdated business practices.


4. 作为及物动词,shake_out还可以指“摊开;展开”。:

- She shook out the map to see where we were.


- The chef shook out the tablecloth before setting the table.



1. After a long winter, it's time to shake out the picnic blanket and enjoy some outdoor dining.(漫长的冬天之后,是时候摊开野餐毯子,享受户外就餐了。)

2. The protesters shook out their signs and marched through the streets, demanding change.(者们挥舞着标语,穿过街道,要求改变。)

3. It took hours to shake out all the sand from our towels after a day at the beach.(海滩度过一天后,我们花了几个小时才把毛巾上的沙子甩掉。)

4. The company is going through a restructuring process in order to shake out any unnecessary expenses.(公司正在进行重组,以摆脱任何不必要的费用。)

5. Before starting the project, we need to shake out all potential risks and come up with a contingency plan.(在开始项目之前,我们需要排除所有潜在风险,并制定应急计划。)


1. Shake off:意为“甩掉;摆脱”。

例句:He tried to shake off the feeling of disappointment and focus on the future.(他试图摆脱失望的感觉,专注于未来。)

2. Get rid of:意为“除掉;摆脱”。

例句:We need to get rid of all the old furniture before moving into our new house.(我们搬进新房子前需要把所有旧家具都处理掉。)

3. Dismiss:意为“解雇;驳回”。

例句:The judge dismissed the case due to lack of evidence.(因缺乏证据驳回了这个案件。)

4. Spread out:意为“展开;铺开”。

例句:The children spread out their toys on the floor and started playing.(孩子们把玩具铺在地板上,开始玩耍。)




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