
英语听力2024-03-29 15:53:00小编





size [saɪz]


1. 作为名词,size可以指物体的尺寸、大小或规模。

- What is the size of this room? (这个房间有多大?)

- The size of the building is impressive. (这座建筑的规模令人印象深刻。)

2. 作为动词,size可以指调整或估计物体的尺寸。

- We need to size the curtains for the new windows. (我们需要按照新窗户的尺寸来调整窗帘。)

- Can you size up how much paint we will need for this project? (你能估计一下我们完成这个项目需要多少油漆吗?)

3. 在时尚领域,size通常用来表示衣服或鞋子的尺码。

- I need to find a dress in my size for the party tonight. (我需要找到一件适合我尺码的裙子参加今晚的派对。)

- These shoes are too big, I need a smaller size. (这双鞋子太大了,我需要一双更小的尺码。)

4. 在计算机领域,size可以指文件或程序的大小。

- The size of this document is too large to email. (这个文件的大小太大了,无法通过电子邮件发送。)

- I need to check the size of the software before downloading it. (我需要在下载软件之前检查一下它的大小。)


1. The size of the box is 10 inches by 8 inches by 6 inches. (这个盒子的尺寸是10英寸乘以8英寸乘以6英寸。)

2. Can you help me size this photo for my profile picture? (你能帮我调整一下这张照片作为我的个人资料图片吗?)

3. I wear a size small in this brand, but a medium in that brand. (我穿这个牌子的衣服是小号,但是那个牌子的是中号。)

4. The size of the PDF document is too big, can you compress it? (这个PDF文档的大小太大了,你能压缩一下吗?)

5. We need to size up our budget for this project, it's bigger than we anticipated. (我们需要调整一下项目预算,它比我们预期的要大。)


1. Dimension: 指物体在不同方向上的长度、宽度或高度。

:The dimensions of the room are 20 feet by 15 feet. (这个房间的尺寸是20英尺乘以15英尺。)

2. Magnitude: 指物体的大小、重要性或影响力。

:The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.5 on the Richter scale. (这次地震的震级为8.5级。)

3. Proportion: 指物体的相对大小或比例关系。

:The proportion of men to women in the company is almost equal. (公司男女员工的比例几乎相等。)

4. Scale: 指物体的规模、范围或大小。

:The scale of this project is much larger than our previous ones. (这个项目的规模比我们之前做过的大得多。)




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