
英语听力2024-03-30 15:58:18小编




Sweater is a common knitted garment, usually made of wool, cotton or synthetic fiber, with soft, warm and comfortable characteristics. It typically has long sleeves and a round neck, worn on the upper body and is a popular clothing item in autumn and winter.





Sweater can be used as a noun to refer to a knitted garment or sweater. It usually refers to a long-sleeved, round-necked that can be worn with pants or skirts. In addition to being worn as everyday clothing, it can also be used as a warm garment in cold weather. Moreover, sweaters are often given as gifts to friends or family.


1. I bought a new sweater for the winter.(我为冬天买了一件新的毛衣。)

2. This sweater is so soft and comfortable.(这件毛衣非常柔软舒适。)

3. She wore a sweater over her dress to keep warm.(她穿着一件毛衣在裙子上,保暖。)

4. My grandmother knitted me a sweater for my birthday.(我奶奶为我的生日织了一件毛衣。)

5. He gave her a cashmere sweater as a Christmas present.(他送给她一件羊绒毛衣作为圣诞礼物。)


1. Pullover:也是指长袖、圆领的针织衫,与sweater意思相同,但通常更加休闲。

2. Jumper:在英式英语中,jumper与sweater意思相同,但在美式英语中指的是连帽运动服。

3. Cardigan:也是一种针织衫,与sweater不同的是它有前开口和纽扣,可以从前面穿上。

4. Knitwear:泛指所有由针织技术制成的服装或饰品,包括sweater、scarf、hat等。

5.Cardigan sweater:结合了cardigan和sweater的特点,即有前开口和纽扣,同时也是一件针织衫。

1. Pullover: also refers to a long-sleeved, round-necked knitted garment, same meaning as sweater but usually more casual.

2. Jumper: in British English, jumper has the same meaning as sweater, but in American English it refers to a hooded sweatshirt.

3. Cardigan: another type of knitted garment, different from a sweater in that it has an open front and buttons, which can be worn from the front.

4. Knitwear: a general term for all clothing or accessories made by knitting techniques, including sweaters, scarves, hats, etc.

5. Cardigan sweater: combines the characteristics of cardigan and sweater, with an open front and buttons, while also being a knitted garment.




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