
英语听力2024-03-31 05:18:29小编



读音:[ðɪs ˈhɔntɪd feɪs həʊldz nəʊ ˈhɒrə fɔː mi naʊ]


例句1:She used to be afraid of gs, but now this haunted face holds no horror for her.(她曾经害怕鬼魂,但现在这个被鬼魂缠绕的脸对她来说已经没有恐怖了。)

例句2:After surviving the car accident, this haunted face holds no horror for him now.(在车祸之后幸存下来后,这个被鬼魂缠绕的脸对他来说已经没有恐怖了。)

例句3:I used to be scared of public speaking, but now this haunted face holds no horror for me now.(我曾经害怕公众演讲,但现在这个被鬼魂缠绕的脸对我来说已经没有恐怖了。)

例句4:The haunted house used to terrify me, but now this haunted face holds no horror for me now.(这个闹鬼的房子曾经让我感到恐惧,但现在这个被鬼魂缠绕的脸对我来说已经没有恐怖了。)

例句5:He used to have a fear of heights, but now this haunted face holds no horror for him now.(他曾经害怕高处,但现在这个被鬼魂缠绕的脸对他来说已经没有恐怖了。)

同义词及用法:类似的表达还有“This haunted face no longer holds any terror for me.”,“This once frightening face now holds no fear for me.”等。



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