
英语听力2024-03-31 06:10:27小编



怎么读:[θruː ðə triːz]

用法:作为一个短语,through the trees通常用来描述某人或某物通过树木的视线,或者在树林中穿行的情况。它也可以用来形容一种景观或场景,即通过树林所看到的景象。


1. The hikers made their way through the trees, following the trail that led to the summit.


2. The sun shone through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.


3. As we drove through the trees, we caught glimpses of a beautiful lake in the distance.


4. The children played hide and seek through the trees, using them as natural obstacles.


5. The sound of birds singing echoed through the trees, creating a peaceful atmosphere.



1. Among the trees - 在树木之间

2. Through the forest - 穿过森林

3. Amidst the trees - 在树木当中

4. Surrounded by trees - 被树木环绕

5. In the midst of a wooded area - 在一片林地中

编辑总结:通过树木(through the trees)是一个常用的短语,通常用来描述某人或某物在树林中穿行的情况,也可以形容一种景观或场景。它有多种同义词,可以根据不同语境灵活运用。在撰写文章时,要注意避免重复使用该短语,尽量多使用近义词来增加文采。


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