
英语听力2024-04-12 11:01:20小编


white_feather是一个英文单词,意思是“白色羽毛”,可以指代真实的白色羽毛,也可以用来比喻某种特质或状态。这个词由两个部分组成,white意为“白色”,feather意为“羽毛”。在英式英语中,white_feather也可以写作white feather。


white_feather的读音为/waɪt ˈfɛðə/。其中,waɪt发音为/waɪt/,ˈfɛðə发音为/ˈfɛðə/。


1. 指代真实的白色羽毛:当我们看到一只鸟类或者其他动物身上的白色羽毛时,可以使用white_feather来形容它们。:The white feather on the bird's wing was so soft and delicate.(鸟翅膀上的白色羽毛非常柔软和精致。)

2. 比喻某种特质或状态:根据传统文化和历史背景,white_feather经常被用来比喻某种特质或状态。具体来说有以下几种用法:

- 表示纯洁、无暇:在许多文学作品中,作者会用white_feather来比喻主人公的纯洁和无暇之处。:She has a heart as pure as a white feather.(她的心灵像一根白色羽毛一样纯洁。)

- 表示优雅、轻盈:白色羽毛具有柔软轻盈的特点,因此也可以用来比喻某人的优雅和轻盈。:Her dancing was as graceful as a white feather floating in the air.(她的舞姿就像白色羽毛在空中飘荡一样优雅。)

- 表示胆怯、懦弱:在第一次世界大战期间,英国社会流行一种叫做“白羽勇士”的现象,指的是那些不愿参战、被认为缺乏勇气的人。因此,white_feather也可以用来比喻某人胆怯和懦弱。:He is too afraid to take any risks, he's just a white feather.(他太害怕冒险了,就像个胆小鬼一样。)


1. The little girl picked up a beautiful white feather on the ground and put it in her hair.(小女孩在地上捡起了一根漂亮的白色羽毛,然后把它插在头发里。)

2. The swan's wings were adorned with long, white feathers that shimmered in the sunlight.(天鹅的翅膀上装饰着长长的白色羽毛,在阳光下闪闪发光。)

3. Her wedding dress was made of delicate white feathers, making her look like an angel.(她的婚纱是用精致的白色羽毛制作的,让她看起来像个天使。)

4. The old man was known for his wisdom and kindness, his heart was as pure as a white feather.(这位老人以其智慧和善良而闻名,他的心灵就像一根白色羽毛一样纯洁。)

5. The cowardly soldier was given a white feather by his comrades, symbolizing his lack of courage to fight in the war.(这位胆怯的士被战友们给了一根白羽勇士,象征着他缺乏参战勇气。)


1. White plume:也是指白色羽毛,可以替换white_feather使用。

2. Down:指柔软轻盈的绒毛,也可以用来比喻某人优雅轻盈的特质。

3. Coward:指胆怯、懦弱的人,也可以用来比喻那些不愿意冒险、缺乏勇气的人。


white_feather是一个英文单词,意思是“白色羽毛”。除了指代真实的白色羽毛外,它还可以用来比喻某种特质或状态,纯洁、优雅、胆怯等。在英式英语中,white_feather也可以写作white feather。其读音为/waɪt ˈfɛðə/。同义词有white plume和down。希望本篇文章能够帮助你更好地理解和运用这个词汇。
