
英语听力2024-04-13 14:35:34小编



How to pronounce: dōng shān zài qǐ (dawng shan zai chee)

Usage: 这个成语通常用来形容一个人或者团体在经历了失败、挫折或者低谷之后重新振作,重获成功的过程。

Example sentences:

1. 他曾经破产,但是现在东山再起,成为了一家大公司的CEO。

He went bankrupt before, but now he has made a comeback and become the CEO of a big company.

2. 虽然遭受了很多挫折,但是他仍然坚持不懈地努力,希望能够东山再起。

Despite facing many setbacks, he still persists in his efforts, hoping to make a comeback.

3. 这位运动员曾经因为受伤而退役,但是他没有放弃,最终东山再起,赢得了冠。

This athlete retired due to injury before, but he didn't give up and eventually made a comeback, winning the championship.

4. 她被公司解雇后感到很失落,但是她没有放弃,东山再起,最终成立了自己的公司。

She felt very disappointed after being fired by the company, but she didn't give up and made a comeback, eventually establishing her own company.

5. 他在生涯中经历了很多波折,但是他仍然保持乐观的心态,希望能够东山再起。

He has experienced many ups and downs in his political career, but he still maintains an optimistic attitude, hoping to make a comeback.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 重振旗鼓 (chóng zhèn qí gǔ): to rally one's strength and make a comeback

Example: 虽然遭受了挫折,但是他决心重振旗鼓,重新开始。

2. 再度崛起 (zài dù jué qǐ): to rise again

Example: 经过几年的努力,这个再度崛起,成为一个强大的经济体。

3. 死里逃生 (sǐ lǐ táo shēng): to escape death; to survive a disaster

Example: 虽然经历了一场灾难,但是他们最终死里逃生,并且在事后重新建立了自己的生活。

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