
英语听力2024-04-14 12:38:27小编



英文解释:The meaning of "guangfu hui" is a group of people formed after a war or crisis, aimed at restoring peace, rebuilding the country or region, and promoting social development. This term originated from the modern history of China, where "guangfu" referred to the restoration of territory and sovereignty occupied by foreign powers. With the changing times, this term has also been used to refer to reconstruction and development groups in other countries or regions.

二:怎么读(音标):guāng fù huì


1. 光复会通常是由志愿者组成的非组织,他们通过各种渠道筹集资金和物资,为受灾地区提供帮助。

2. 光复会也可以指由官员、专家学者等组成的专门,负责制定重建规划和推动社会发展。

3. 在一些或地区,光复会也被用来指代政党或团体,他们的目标是恢复的独立和,推动发展。


1. After the devastating earthquake, a "guangfu hui" was formed to provide aid and support for the affected areas. (在这次毁灭性的地震后,一个光复会成立了,为受灾地区提供援助和支持。)

2. The government has set up a "guangfu hui" to oversee the reconstruction efforts in the war-torn country. (成立了一个光复会,负责监督战乱的重建工作。)

3. The "guangfu hui" is working tirelessly to restore the country's economy and infrastructure after years of conflict. (这个光复会在经历多年后,正在不懈努力恢复的经济和基础设施。)

4. The opposition party has formed a "guangfu hui" to fight for the restoration of their country's sovereignty and independence. (反对党成立了一个光复会,为恢复的和独立而奋斗。)

5. She joined the "guangfu hui" because she wanted to make a difference in her community and help those in need. (她加入了光复会,因为她想要为社区做出贡献,并帮助那些需要帮助的人。)


1. 救援队(rescue team):通常指由专业人士组成的救援团队,负责在灾难发生后提供紧急救援和救助。

2. 重建组织(reconstruction organization):指专门从事重建和发展工作的组织,旨在恢复受灾地区的经济、基础设施和社会秩序。

3. 发展(development agency):一般指由或非组织建立的,致力于推动社会和经济发展。

4. 恢复(restoration committee):类似于光复会,是由一群人组成的,旨在恢复、地区或社区的独立、或正常运行。

5. 和平团体(peace organization):通常指致力于促进和平与稳定的非组织或。


