
英语听力2024-04-15 12:56:12小编




How to read: Chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì (pinyin)

Usage: This phrase is often used to encourage someone who has experienced setbacks or failures to learn from their mistakes and improve themselves.

Example sentences:

1. 每个人都会遇到挫折,但只有那些能够吃一堑长一智的人才能够真正成长。(Měi gè rén dōu huì yù dào cuòzhé, dàn zhǐyǒu nàxiē nénggòu chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì de rén cáinéng zhēnzhèng chéngzhǎng.)

Translation: Everyone will encounter setbacks, but only those who can learn from their mistakes and failures can truly grow.

2. 面对失败,我们应该想办法解决问题,而不是沮丧和放弃。吃一堑长一智,下次就能做得更好了。(Miàn duì shībài, wǒmen yīnggāi xiǎng bànfǎ jiějué wèntí, ér bùshì jǔsàng hé fàngqì. Chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì, xiàcì jiù néng zuò dé gèng hǎo le.)

Translation: Faced with failure, we should try to solve the problem instead of being discouraged and giving up. By learning from our mistakes, we can do better next time.

3. 虽然这次比赛我们输了,但是我相信我们会吃一堑长一智,下次一定会赢得更多。(Suīrán zhècì bǐsài wǒmen shū le, dànshì wǒ xiāngxìn wǒmen huì chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì, xiàcì yídìng huì yíngdé gèng duō.)

Translation: Although we lost this game, I believe we will learn from our mistakes and win more next time.

4. 他曾经犯过很多错误,但是他总是能够吃一堑长一智,最终成功了。(Tā céngjīng fàn guò hěn duō cuòwù, dànshì tā zǒng shì nénggòu chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì, zuìzhōng chénggōngle.)

Translation: He had made many mistakes in the past, but he always learned from them and eventually succeeded.

5. 孩子们应该从小就学会吃一堑长一智,这样才能在成长的道路上越走越稳健。(Háizimen yīnggāi cóng xiǎo jiù xuéhuì chī yī qiàn zhǎng yī zhì, zhèyàng cáinéng zài chéngzhǎng de dàolù shàng yuè zǒu yuè wěnjiàn.)

Translation: Children should learn to learn from their mistakes from a young age, so that they can become more steady and stable as they grow up.

Synonyms and Usage: 吃一堑长一智 can also be expressed as 吃一堑,长一智 (chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì) or 吃一堑,学一招 (chī yī qiàn, xué yī zhāo). These phrases all have the same meaning of learning from mistakes and failures. Other similar phrases include 出淤泥而不染 (chū yúní ér bùrǎn) and 见多识广 (jiàn duō shí guǎng).

Editor's Summary:

吃一堑长一智 is a common Chinese proverb that encourages people to learn from their mistakes and failures. By experiencing setbacks and overcoming them, one can grow and improve themselves. This phrase is often used in daily conversations to motivate or console someone who has faced challenges. It can also be expressed in different ways such as 吃一堑,长一智 or 吃一堑,学一招. Learning from mistakes is an important lesson for personal growth and development.
