
英语听力2024-04-15 21:13:03小编




嘈杂:cáozá [cáo zá]




1. The streets were filled with the cacophony of car horns and people shouting, making it a truly chaotic and noisy scene. (街道上充满了汽车喇叭和人们大声喊叫的嘈杂声,构成了一幅真正混乱喧闹的场景。)

2. The classroom was so crowded and loud that it was hard for the teacher to be heard over the din. (教室里人多声杂,老师很难在这嘈杂的环境中被听到。)

3. The constant noise from the construction site next door made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work. (隔壁建筑工地不断传来的嘈杂声让我很难集中精力工作。)

4. The party was a wild affair with loud music, people dancing and talking loudly, and glasses clinking. (聚会上音乐很吵,人们大声跳舞、谈话,杯子碰撞发出声响,场面非常热闹。)

5. The city streets were always bustling and noisy, but she found comfort in the familiar chaos. (城市街道总是熙熙攘攘、嘈杂不安,但她在这种熟悉的混乱中找到了安慰。)


1. 喧闹 (xuānnào): 与嘈杂意思相近,形容声音大、气氛热闹的状态。常用来形容人群或场所。

例句:The market was always bustling and noisy with vendors shouting and customers bargaining. (市场上总是人来人往、小贩们叫卖、顾客们讨价还价,非常喧闹。)

2. 吵闹 (chǎonào): 与嘈杂意思相似,强调声音刺耳、令人不快的特点。常用来形容不愉快的声音或环境。

例句:The neighbors' constant arguing made it difficult for me to sleep at night. (邻居们经常吵架,让我晚上难以入眠。)

3. 混乱 (hùnluàn): 与嘈杂意思相近,强调无序、杂乱的状态。常用来形容环境或氛围。

例句:The train station was in a state of chaos with people rushing to catch their trains and announcements blaring over the loudspeakers. (火车站里人们匆忙赶车,扬声器里大声播放着通知,处处一片混乱。)

4. 嘈吵 (cáochǎo): 与嘈杂意思相似,强调声音刺耳、令人不安的特点。常用来形容不愉快的声音或环境。

例句:The children's constant screaming and crying made it impossible for me to concentrate on my work. (孩子们不停地尖叫哭闹,让我无法集中精力工作。)


