英文释义:in full swing; in full vigor; with great enthusiasm and energy
二:怎么读(音标):rú huǒ rú tú
1. 这场比赛正在如火如荼地进行着,观众们都兴奋地欢呼着。
The game is in full swing, and the audience is cheering excitedly.
2. 这个项目得到了全体员工的支持,正在以如火如荼的势头推进。
The project has received support from all employees and is moving forward with great enthusiasm.
3. 他们在舞台上表演得如火如荼,吸引了无数观众的目光。
They performed with great enthusiasm on stage, attracting the attention of countless audience members.
4. 随着互联网行业的迅速发展,这家公司也正在以如火如荼的速度壮大。
With the rapid development of the internet industry, this company is also growing at a rapid pace.
5. 这部电影在上映后迅速蹿红,在社交媒体上掀起了一股“如火如荼”的讨论热潮。
The movie quickly became popular after its release, sparking a "full swing" discussion on social media.
五:同义词及用法:充满活力(full of vitality),兴旺发达(flourishing),火热进行(in full heat),蓬勃发展(booming)等。
六:编辑总结:如火如荼是一个形容词性短语,常用于形容事物的发展或者活动的状态,表示充满热情和活力,具有强烈的氛围和节奏感。它的英文释义为in full swing; in full vigor; with great enthusiasm and energy。在使用时,可以根据具体情况选择同义词替换,以丰富表达方式。