
英语听力2024-04-17 08:00:16小编




A bastard refers to a child born to a father and a concubine, or to parents who are not legally married. In ancient times, bastards were usually considered as illegitimate heirs, with lower status than legitimate sons. In modern society, the meaning of bastard has changed and it usually refers to a child born out of wedlock or without official registration of marriage.





Bastard is usually used to refer to a child born out of wedlock or without official registration of marriage. In ancient society, due to the practice of polygamy, there were many bastards and they often caused disputes in family inheritance and property distribution. In modern society, with the recognition and protection of non-formal marital relationships and children born out of wedlock by laws, the status of bastards has been improved.


1. 他是个庶子,没有继承父亲的财产。

He is a bastard and did not inherit his father's wealth.

2. 在古代社会,庶子的地位通常比嫡子低。

In ancient society, bastards were usually considered lower than legitimate sons.

3. 这部电影讲述了一个庶子在寻找自己身份和家族遗产的故事。

This movie tells the story of a bastard searching for his identity and family inheritance.

4. 她是一位成功的女企业家,但她曾经是一个庶子,没有得到父亲的认可。

She is a successful female entrepreneur, but she used to be a bastard and did not receive her father's recognition.

5. 随着社会观念的改变,越来越多的人接受并尊重庶子的存在。

With the change of social attitudes, more and more people accept and respect the existence of bastards.


1. 私生子:指父母未结婚或未登记的情况下所生的子女,与庶子的含义相同。

2. 非婚生子女:指父母没有结婚或未登记的情况下所生的子女,与庶子的含义相同。

3. 私生女:指父母未结婚或未登记的情况下所生的女儿,与私生子类似。

4. 私生子女:指父母未结婚或未登记的情况下所生的孩子,包括私生子和私生女。

5. 非正统继承人:指在古代社会地位低于嫡子、由于非正式婚姻关系而产生争议的继承人。

1. Illegitimate child: refers to a child born to parents who are not legally married, with the same meaning as bastard.

2. Out-of-wedlock child: refers to a child born to parents who are not married or registered, with the same meaning as bastard.

3. Bastard daughter: refers to a daughter born out of wedlock, similar to a bastard son.

4. Bastard children: refers to children born out of wedlock, including both bastard sons and daughters.

5. Illegitimate heir: refers to an heir with lower status than legitimate sons and often caused disputes due to non-formal marital relationships in ancient society.



In summary, the term bastard originated from ancient society and is usually used to refer to children born out of wedlock. In modern society, with the recognition and protection of non-formal marital relationships and children born out of wedlock by laws, the status of bastards has been improved. However, there are still some social prejudices and discrimination against bastards. Therefore, when using this term, we should respect everyone's identity and rights, and avoid using words with negative connotations. At the same time, we should also pay attention to family education and promote correct values, so that every child can be treated equally and receive love.
