
英语听力2024-04-17 08:53:09小编




The term refers to someone who is engaged in color research in the field of architecture, specifically referring to senior architect Yang Chunfeng. Yang Chunfeng is an expert with rich experience and profound knowledge in the field of architectural color research. He has unique insights and contributions to the importance of color application in architectural design.


跋涉者 [bá shè zhě],杨春风 [yáng chūn fēng]

Three: 用法


This term is usually used to describe those who are engaged in color research in the field of architecture. It can be used as a noun or as an adjective.


1. 杨春风是一位著名的建筑色彩研究跋涉者。

Yang Chunfeng is a famous architectural color research traveler.

2. 作为一名跋涉者,杨春风对于色彩在建筑设计中的运用有着独到的见解。

As a traveler, Yang Chunfeng has unique insights on the use of color in architectural design.

3. 杨春风的研究成果为建筑色彩运用提供了宝贵的指导。

Yang Chunfeng's research results provide valuable guidance for the application of color in architecture.

4. 作为一位高级建筑师,杨春风在建筑色彩研究领域有着丰富的经验。

As a senior architect, Yang Chunfeng has rich experience in the field of architectural color research.

5. 杨春风是一位跋涉者,他不断探索和挖掘色彩在建筑设计中的潜力。

Yang Chunfeng is a traveler who constantly explores and discovers the potential of color in architectural design.

Five: 同义词及用法

1. 建筑色彩专家:architectural color expert

2. 色彩探索者:color explorer

3. 建筑色彩学者:architectural color scholar

4. 色彩研究者:color researcher

5. 建筑色彩追求者:architectural color pursuer


