
英语听力2024-04-17 14:29:12小编



英文解释:To have the desire to do something but lack the ability or resources to accomplish it. This phrase is often used to describe someone's insufficient effort or a sense of helplessness when facing challenges.

二:怎么读(音标):[xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú]



1. 她虽然很想参加比赛,但是由于身体原因,她只能说心有余而力不足。

She really wants to participate in the competition, but due to her physical condition, she can only say that she has the desire but lacks the ability.

2. 我们需要更多的帮助才能完成这项任务,因为我们的团队人手有限,心有余而力不足。

We need more assistance to complete this task, as our team is short-handed and we have the desire but lack the ability.

3. 面对这么多的挑战,我感到心有余而力不足,但是我会尽力去克服它们。

Faced with so many challenges, I feel like I have the desire but lack the ability, but I will do my best to overcome them.

4. 虽然他很想要学习一门外语,但是他的工作和家庭生活让他心有余而力不足。

Although he wants to learn a foreign language, his work and family life make him feel like he has the desire but lacks the ability.

5. 在这场比赛中,我们的球队表现出色,但是最终输给了对手。我们可以说是心有余而力不足。

In this game, our team performed well, but we lost to our opponents in the end. We can say that we had the desire but lacked the ability.


