
英语听力2024-04-18 17:55:17小编




To cut the grass without removing the roots means to only solve the superficial problem without digging deep into its root cause. Spring breeze blowing again symbolizes that although the problem may be temporarily solved, it may resurface over time.


斩草不除根(zhǎn cǎo bù chú gēn),春风吹又生(chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng)。



It is often used as a metaphor for solving only the superficial problem without addressing its root cause.


1. 他们只是暂时修补了道路的坑洞,没有填平并重新铺设路面,斩草不除根,春风吹又生。

They only temporarily patched up the potholes on the road without filling them and repaving the surface. They were just cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the problem will resurface eventually.

2. 这家公司只是裁员来降低成本,而没有从根本上解决经营不善的问题,斩草不除根,春风吹又生。

This company only downsized to reduce costs, but failed to address the fundamental issue of poor management. They were just cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the problem will resurface eventually.

3. 应该采取措施解决贫困问题的根源,而不是仅仅发放救济物资,斩草不除根,春风吹又生。

The government should take measures to address the root cause of poverty instead of just distributing relief supplies. They were just cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the problem will resurface eventually.

4. 我们必须从源头上治理环境污染问题,不能只是清理表面的垃圾,斩草不除根,春风吹又生。

We must tackle environmental pollution at its source instead of just cleaning up surface garbage. We were just cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the problem will resurface eventually.

5. 如果我们只是暂时修补漏洞而没有加强网络安全防护,那么攻击还会再次发生。斩草不除根,春风吹又生。

If we only patch up the loopholes temporarily without strengthening our network security system, then cyber attacks will happen again. We were just cutting the grass without removing the roots, and the problem will resurface eventually.


1. 除根铲草:指从根本上解决问题,彻底消除隐患。

2. 治标不治本:指只解决表面问题,而不解决根本原因。

3. 针对症状:指针对具体的表现或现象进行治疗,而不是针对根本原因。

4. 鸡蛋里挑骨头:指挑剔细节、苛求完美,而忽略了整体大局。

5. 治疗不及时,反复发作:指只是暂时解决问题,而没有从根本上治好。


