杂七杂八(zá qī zá bā)是一个汉语成语,意思是指杂乱混杂的事物或情况,也可以形容琐碎的琐事。这个成语通常用来形容一些无关紧要的琐碎事物或混乱的情况。
读音:zá qī zá bā (zhá qī zhá bā)
1. 她整理了一整天,终于把那间屋子里的杂七杂八都收拾干净了。
She spent the whole day organizing and finally cleaned up all the clutter in the room.
2. 这个公司的管理混乱,各种杂七杂八的问题频繁出现。
The management of this company is chaotic, with various miscellaneous problems occurring frequently.
3. 我们需要专心做主要工作,不要被那些杂七杂八的小事分散注意力。
We need to focus on our main tasks and not let ourselves be distracted by all these miscellaneous little things.
4. 她总是喜欢收集各种各样的东西,家里到处都是她收集来的杂七杂八。
She always likes to collect all kinds of things, and her house is full of miscellaneous items she has collected.
5. 学习一门新技能,需要将杂七杂八的知识整理归纳,才能更好地掌握。
To learn a new skill, one needs to organize and summarize all the miscellaneous knowledge in order to master it better.