
英语听力2024-04-22 17:07:02小编




Rainbow is a natural phenomenon where sunlight is refracted, reflected, and scattered when shining on water droplets, forming a colorful arc of light. It usually appears after rain or in places with abundant water vapor, creating a beautiful scenery of nature.




虹通常用来形容一道彩色的弧形光束,也可以用来比喻某种美丽或奇特的事物。在英语中,还有一句常见的谚语“at the end of the rainbow”,意为“彩虹尽头”,指的是一个遥不可及的地方。

Rainbow is usually used to describe a colorful arc of light, and can also be used metaphorically to refer to something beautiful or extraordinary. In English, there is also a common saying "at the end of the rainbow", meaning a place that seems unattainable.


1. Look! A beautiful rainbow appeared after the rain. 看!雨后出现了一道美丽的彩虹。

2. The children were excitedly chasing the rainbow in the sky. 孩子们兴奋地追逐天空中的彩虹。

3. The rainbow is a symbol of hope and promise. 彩虹是希望和承诺的象征。

4. She always wears colorful clothes, like a walking rainbow. 她总是穿着五颜六色的衣服,像一道行走的彩虹。

5. At the end of the rainbow, there is a pot of gold waiting for you. 彩虹尽头,有一锅黄金在等着你。


1. arc-en-ciel (French):指法语中的彩虹,也可用来比喻色彩缤纷的景象。

2. prismatic arc:指彩虹中不同颜色的光束形成的弧形光谱。

3. spectrum:指所有可见光波长组成的连续谱,在雨后可以看到七种颜色组成的谱线。

1. arc-en-ciel (French): refers to rainbow in French, can also be used to describe a colorful scene.

2. prismatic arc: refers to the arc of light formed by different colors in a rainbow.

3. spectrum: refers to the continuous spectrum composed of all visible wavelengths, where seven colors can be seen after rain.



In conclusion, rainbow is a wonderful natural phenomenon formed by the interaction of sunlight, water droplets, and air. It is not only a miracle of nature, but also a symbol of people's longing for a better life and hope. When using it, it can be used to describe a colorful arc of light or metaphorically refer to something beautiful or extraordinary. In addition, by learning expressions about rainbow in other languages, we can enrich our vocabulary.
