
英语听力2024-04-22 22:39:13小编




1. 观察、看:观察事物的变化。

2. 意见、见解:发表自己的观点。

3. 看法、态度:改变原来的观。

4. 建筑物中供人眺望风景或游乐的处所:登上高楼,一览城市美景。

5. 用语,指禅宗修行者在冥想中所得到的体验。

6. [guān] (姓氏)。

How to read: guān [ɡwän]


1. 观 can be used as a verb, meaning to observe or watch something closely.

Example: 我喜欢坐在公园里,静静地观察人们的生活。(I like sitting in the park and quietly observing people's lives.)

2. It can also be used as a noun, meaning opinion or viewpoint.

Example: 我们应该尊重每个人不同的观点。(We should respect everyone's different opinions.)

3. Another usage of 观 is to refer to a place where people can enjoy the scenery or have fun, such as an observation deck or amusement park.

Example: 这座城市最高楼上有一个很棒的观景台。(There is a great observation deck on of the tallest building in this city.)

4. In Buddhism, 观 refers to the spiritual experience obtained through meditation.

Example: 他们每天都会花时间在禅坐中,追求更深层次的观。(They spend time in meditation every day, seeking a deeper level of spiritual experience.)

5. 观 is also a common Chinese surname.

Example: 我的同事姓观,她是一位非常有才华的作家。(My colleague's last name is Guan, and she is a very talented writer.)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 视察(shì chá):to inspect or examine something

Example: 他们派了一个小组去视察工厂的生产情况。(They sent a team to inspect the production situation in the factory.)

2. 看法(kàn fǎ):opinion or viewpoint

Example: 我们应该尊重每个人不同的看法。(We should respect everyone's different opinions.)

3. 景观(jǐng guān):scenery or landscape

Example: 这座城市有着独特的山水景观。(This city has unique landscape and scenery.)

4. 冥想(míng xiǎng):meditation

Example: 冥想可以帮助我们平静内心,获得更深层次的体验。(Meditation can help us calm our minds and obtain deeper experiences.)

Editor's summary:

In summary, 观 can be used as both a verb and a noun, with meanings related to observing, opinions, viewpoints, and spiritual experiences. It can also refer to a place for enjoying scenery or amusement, as well as being a common Chinese surname. Some synonyms for 观 include 视察, 看法, 景观, and 冥想.
