英文翻译:To leave one's hometown to study or work in another place. In ancient times, people used "jí" to carry books and luggage, so "fù jí" can also be understood as carrying a backpack on a journey. It can represent a person leaving their hometown, traveling to another place to pursue knowledge or career opportunities.
fù jí (fù yī)
1. 他在十八岁那年负笈去了京城读书。
He left for the capital at the age of 18 to study.
2. 她毕业后就决定负笈到美国发展。
After graduation, she decided to go to the United States for development.
3. 我们应该鼓励年轻人负笈去更广阔的天地。
We should encourage young people to leave their hometowns and explore broader horizons.
4. 他的父亲在他负笈前给了他一封信,鼓励他勤奋学习。
His father gave him a letter before he left, encouraging him to study hard.
5. 负笈求学是每个有志青年的梦想。
Leaving home to pursue education is the dream of every ambitious young person.
1. 远行:指离开家乡到远处旅行或工作。
2. 远走高飞:比喻离开原来的环境,到外地谋求发展。
3. 出走:指离开家乡或原来的环境,不再回来。
4. 游学:指到外地旅行并学习。