
英语听力2024-04-23 17:17:07小编




Strolling on the street refers to the activities of walking around, enjoying the scenery, shopping, and leisure in cities or towns. This term is mainly used to describe people going out for leisure activities and enjoying the pleasures of city life.


/ɡuɑŋ dɑ jiē/



The phrase "逛大街" is usually used as a verb phrase, meaning "to stroll or tour on the street". The character "逛" can be used in combination with other nouns, such as "逛商场" (shopping mall), "逛展览" (visiting an exhibition), "逛公园" (strolling in a park), etc.


1. 我喜欢周末和朋友一起去逛大街。

I like to go strolling on the street with my friends on weekends.

2. 她每天晚上都会去逛大街,放松自己。

She goes strolling on the street every night to relax.

3. 逛大街是一种很好的消遣方式。

Strolling on the street is a great way to relax.

4. 我们可以在这条街上逛一整天,因为有很多有趣的店铺。

We can stroll on this street all day because there are many interesting shops.

5. 他喜欢在陌生的城市里逛大街,体验当地的文化和风土人情。

He likes to stroll on the streets of unfamiliar cities, experiencing the local culture and customs.


1. 闲逛 (xián guàng): 指慢慢地走动,没有特定目的地游览。与“逛大街”意思相近,但更加强调无目的性。

2. 散步 (sàn bù): 指在室外慢步行走。与“逛大街”的区别是散步通常指在公园、小径等地方散步。

3. 旅游 (lǚ yóu): 指到其他城市或旅行观光。与“逛大街”的区别是旅游更加强调出行目的性和游览景点。

4. 游览 (yóu lǎn): 指到名胜古迹等地方参观游览。与“逛大街”的区别是游览更加强调参观景点的目的性。

1. Stroll (xián guàng): Refers to walking slowly without a specific destination. Similar to "逛大街", but emphasizes the lack of purpose.

2. Walk (sàn bù): Refers to walking slowly outdoors. The difference from "逛大街" is that walking usually refers to walking in parks, paths, etc.

3. Travel (lǚ yóu): Refers to traveling and sightseeing in other cities or countries. The difference from "逛大街" is that travel emphasizes the purpose of the trip and visiting attractions.

4. Tour (yóu lǎn): Refers to visiting and touring famous places and historical sites. The difference from "逛大街" is that touring emphasizes the purpose of visiting attractions.


