What does "齐大非偶" mean?
"齐大非偶" refers to a situation where two people or things are so similar in appearance, personality, abilities, etc. that they are almost indistinguishable. It can be used to describe a high degree of similarity between people or things that is difficult to differentiate.
"齐大非偶"的拼音为qí dà fēi ǒu,读作 [t͡ɕʰí tà fēi ǒu]。
How do you pronounce it?
The pinyin for "齐大非偶" is qí dà fēi ǒu, pronounced as [t͡ɕʰí tà fēi ǒu].
"齐大非偶" is commonly used to describe a situation where two people or things are so similar that they are almost indistinguishable. It can be used to describe similarity in appearance, personality, abilities, etc.
1. 他们两个人长得齐大非偶,连自己的家人都分不清谁是谁。
They look so alike that even their own family members can't tell them apart.
2. 这两幅画的风格和色彩都齐大非偶,很难分辨出哪幅是哪幅。
The style and color of these two paintings are so similar that it's hard to tell which one is which.
3. 这对双胞胎姐妹不仅长相齐大非偶,连性格也十分相似。
Not only do these twin sisters look almost identical, but their personalities are also very similar.
4. 他们俩的声音和说话方式都齐大非偶,我经常搞不清楚是谁在说话。
Their voices and way of speaking are so similar that I often can't tell who is talking.
5. 这两种品牌的手机外观设计齐大非偶,但性能却有很大差别。
The design of these two brands of mobile phones is almost identical, but their performances are quite different.
Synonyms and usage:
Synonyms for "齐大非偶" include "一模一样" (identical), "如出一辙" (exactly the same), "几乎无法区分" (almost indistinguishable), etc. They can all be used to express a high degree of similarity between two people or things that is difficult to differentiate.
Editor's Summary:
In our daily lives, we often encounter people or things that are extremely similar in appearance, personality, abilities, etc. In such cases, we can use the word "齐大非偶" to describe their similarity. It can be used not only to describe the similarity between people, but also between things. It can also be used as an adjective or noun to make language more vivid and interesting. I hope this article has helped you understand and use "齐大非偶".