call into中文翻译,call into是什么意思,call into发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 08:09小编

 call into中文翻译,call into是什么意思,call into发音、用法及例句

call into发音

英:  美:

call into中文意思翻译



call into双语使用场景

1、You will have to call into a conference call at 7AM with your offshore team, or support a 5AM deployment on Saturday.───你不得不在早晨7点与你的团队进行电话会议或是在周六早晨5点开始部署工作。

2、Java programmers looking to call into Scala should also be familiar with traits as a mechanism for using Scala.───希望使用Scala的Java程序员也应熟悉特征,将其作为使用Scala的一种机制。

3、Allows managed code to call into unmanaged code, which is often dangerous.───允许托管代码调入非托管代码,这常常是很危险的。

4、These findings call into question the effectiveness of many supplements on supermarket shelves.───这些发现都在质疑超市货架上很多补充剂的效力。

5、call it a day These findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.───这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。

6、Even China's official numbers seem to call into question the Party's newfound hauteur.───就连中国的官方数据似乎也在质疑**新近出现的自大。

7、Like the 13th chime of a clock, policymakers who deny the obvious or claim to know the unknowable call into question all that they say.───就像一只会响十三声的时钟一样,否认明摆着的事实或声称自己知道不可知情况的政策制定者,无论再说什么也不会有人相信。

8、I use the PHP command-line interpreter to run that script and put the method call into the queue.───我使用 PHP 命令行解释器运行这个脚本,并将这个方法调用放进队列中。

9、Each call into an SOA service is normally treated as a stateless call.───每个对于SOA服务的调用一般都被视为一个无状态调用。

call into相似词语短语

1、roll into───卷成,使合为一体;滚进

2、pull into───(车)进站

3、came into───进入;得到

4、falls into───落入;分成

5、talk into───说服某人做某事

6、fall into───落入;分成

7、fell into───掉进;变成

8、walk into───v.走进;不慎陷入;痛斥

9、call in───召集;召来


call into 固定搭配call sth into question 引起对某事的疑问call key issues into question 对要点进行质疑call sth into action 将某事付诸行动
