no they aren't(no they aren t中文翻译,no they aren t是什么意思,no they aren t发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-20 08:24小编

 no they aren't(no they aren t中文翻译,no they aren t是什么意思,no they aren t发音、用法及例句)

no they aren t发音

英:  美:

no they aren t中文意思翻译



no they aren t双语使用场景

1、Are the books on the bookcase ? No , they aren't . They are in the bookcase .───书在书柜上吗?不,它们不在,它们在书柜里。

2、Are a number of Dongfeng trucks being shipped abroad? ---No, they aren't.───一批东风卡车正被运往国外吗?乙:不,没有。

3、No, they aren't jumping off the wall.───不,他们不是从墙上跳下来。

4、No, they aren't sweeping the floor, they are closing the door.───不,他们没有在扫地,他们在关门。

5、Lisa: Look, Mum. What are those? Are they dogs! Mum: No, they aren't. They're puppies.───看,妈妈。那些是什么?它们是狗吗?妈妈:不,它们不是狗。它们是小狗。

6、No, they aren 't washing dishes. They're cooking.───没有,他们没在洗盘子。他们正在烹饪。

7、Tony and Tina are brother and sister, but are they alike? No, they aren't. They're very different.───托尼和蒂娜是兄妹,但他们相似吗?不,他们不相似。他们大不相同。

no they aren t相似词语短语

1、to the left───向左;在左边

2、to the point───中肯,扼要;切题

3、go the rounds───传遍;巡回

4、foley artist───拟音师;音效师

5、to the press───对媒体说

6、know the area───了解该地区

7、do the trick───获得成功

8、a grey area───灰色地带

9、go the round───四处转转


they aren't是they are not的缩写,有可能是主系表结构的否定句,也可能是现在进行时或者be going to结构的否定句。例如:

They are good friends.

~ They aren't good friends.

they don't是主谓结构的否定句,后面得接实意动词原形。 例如:

They have a good family.

~ They don't have a good family.
