work hard(Works hard中文翻译,Works hard是什么意思,Works hard发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-20 23:01小编

 work hard(Works hard中文翻译,Works hard是什么意思,Works hard发音、用法及例句)

Works hard发音

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Works hard中文意思翻译



Works hard双语使用场景

1、We have all heard stories of a businessman who works hard to earn money. He works hard to be a good provider for his wife and children.───我们听说过一位商人努力工作挣钱的故事,他努力工作希望为自己的妻子儿女提供更好的生活条件。

2、Consequently, he works hard day and night and is thus not able to devote any of his time to her.───于是他没日没夜地工作,结果不能匀出时间来陪妻子。

3、Jim works hard and his teacher often thinks highly of him.───吉姆努力工作,他的老师经常表扬他。

4、He works hard, but he doesn't care for his health.───他工作努力,惟注意身体不够。

5、She works hard on the new post not so much to leave a good impression on the boss as go give full play to her abilities.───她在新岗位上努力工作,不是为了给上司留下好印象,而是为了发挥她的才干。

6、He's my best friend and he works hard all day. Couldn't you at least wag your tail?───他是我最好的朋友,整天工作很辛苦,你就不能冲他摇摇你的尾巴吗?

7、She works hard as if she never knew fatigue.───她工作努力,仿佛从不知疲倦似的。

8、By any standards, especially those of his predecessor in the White House, Mr Obama works hard. But the symbolism was a pity.───无论以何种标准衡量(特别是以其白宫前任们的标准),奥巴马工作都可谓非常努力。但他的行为所传递出的象征意义却令人遗憾。

Works hard相似词语短语

1、work farm───罪犯劳改农场

2、look hard───仔细看

3、work hard───努力学习;辛勤工作


5、works back───v.加班工作

6、rock hard───硬岩石(hardrock)

7、works of art───艺术品

he works hard句子成分?

我的答案是:he works hard 这句话的意思是他工作的很努力。

