struggle for中文翻译,struggle for是什么意思,struggle for发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-21 08:36小编

 struggle for中文翻译,struggle for是什么意思,struggle for发音、用法及例句

struggle for发音

英:  美:

struggle for中文意思翻译


为…而斗争; 拼争

struggle for双语使用场景

1、Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation.───他们的目的是帮助劳动人民争取解放.

2、He came to symbolize his country's struggle for independence.───他逐渐成为祖国为争取独立而斗争的象征。

3、We should exert ourselves in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology.───我们应为实现科学技术现代化而努力.

4、You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.───你得让我们自己去奋斗,即使在此过程中我们必须死亡。

5、He grandly declared that "international politics is a struggle for power".───他一本正经地宣称“国际政治是一场权力之争”。

6、Those variants will be preserved in the'struggle for existence ".───这些变异将在 “ 生存竞争 ” 中被保留下来.

7、He found it invigorating to speak of the struggle for realism.───一提到为现实主义奋斗,他感到浑身是劲.

8、Such laws aided family farms in their struggle for existence.───这些法令对那些为生存而斗争的家庭农场来说是有帮助的.

9、At any rate, it was a long uphill struggle for them.───无论如何,对他们说来, 这是一场长期的艰苦的斗争.

10、You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.───你得让我们为自己拼搏,哪怕我们会在这个过程中死去。

11、Life became a struggle for survival.───生活成了一场奋力求生的斗争。

12、The struggle for independence was long and hard.───为独立而斗争是长期而艰苦的.

13、It was a struggle for her to make him understand.───对她来说,要他明白是一件费劲的事.

14、Life was a continual struggle for them.───生活对他们来说就是不断的挣扎。

15、This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.───这场由来已久的对控制权的争夺已经引发了无数流血的战争。

16、There is no end in sight to the struggle for power.───权力的争斗近期不会终止。

17、Its aim is to help the proletariat in its struggle for emancipation.───他的目的是帮助无产阶级争取解放.

18、The man was caught up every day in the struggle for survival.───男人每天为生存而奋斗.

struggle for相似词语短语

1、to struggle on───继续奋斗




5、struggle on───挣扎下去


7、struggles on───挣扎下去


9、struggled on───挣扎下去


1)struggle against 为反对…而斗争

Eg:He struggled against those who opposed his plan.


2)struggle with 与…打架, 与…斗争 / 在内心与(自己、自己的良心等)进行斗争

Eg:The lady struggled with the thief.


Eg:After struggling with myself for some days, I decided to accept his proposal.

经过好几天的思想斗争, 我决定接受他的求婚。

3)struggle for 为…而斗争

Eg:We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.

