老子英文(lao tzu中文翻译,lao tzu是什么意思,lao tzu发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-21 10:09小编

 老子英文(lao tzu中文翻译,lao tzu是什么意思,lao tzu发音、用法及例句)

lao tzu发音

英:  美:

lao tzu中文意思翻译



lao tzu双语使用场景

1、The third part was the development and contemporary value of the humanism thought of Lao Tzu.───第三部分为《老子》人学思想的发展及当代价值.

2、Great rulers , taught Lao - tzu, simply follow Nature and the people only know of their existence.───老子教导,伟大的统治者, 简单地跟随自然,人们简单地知道他们的存在.

3、Lao Tzu said,'life is series of natural and spontaneous changes.───老子说, 生命是一连串的自然和自发的变化.

4、Lao Tzu, the Great ancient Chinese thinker, once observed in his well-known work, the Tao te Ching, "he who knows others is intelligent; he who knows himself is wise."───中国古代伟大的思想家老子在《道德经》中说过:“知人者智,自知者明。”意思是说,了解别人叫明智,认识自己才是高明。

5、As Lao Tzu said, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.───老子曾说, 千里之行始于足下,就是这个道理.

6、Lao Tzu's wisdom could be a motto for a gung ho 21 st - century Silicon Valley startup.───老子的明智之辞,完全可以成为21世纪硅谷那些雄心勃勃的新公司的座右铭.

7、One such attempt came in the form of Lao Tzu.───其中一次就是老子(LaoTzu).

8、Chinese Taoist sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao - Tzu but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery.───中国道士流派,要求追随老子的教义但是也混合着泛神论和巫术.

9、Consider the above quote from Lao Tzu, (perhaps mythical) father of Taoism: how can it be true?───想想老子说的这句话,(也许并非老子的话)道家的创始人:怎样才能做到这一点?

10、From the first stanza, I get the sense that Lao Tzu is saying that there is no real language that can truly describe the Way, as the Tao translates to.───我认为老子在第一节中说,没有言语可以表述“道”。

11、Lao - tzu believed that all would become good; to return evil for evil would lead to chaos.───老子相信以善对善世界太平, 以恶对恶只会导致混乱.

12、Therefore, blacksmith, coppersmith, silversmith and metallurgy industry are respected Lao Tzu - Lao for the founder.───所以, 铁匠 、 铜匠 、 银匠与冶铸业均尊老子 —— 太上老君为祖师.

13、If necessary, each of us should become a scientific theory to practice – Lao Tzu - best blacksmith!───如果需要, 我们每个人都应成为科学理论的实践者——老子式的最优秀的铁匠!

14、According to the story, Lao - tzu, the older of the two sages, thought very little of Confucius.───据说, 两位圣人中那位年长的老于很瞧不起孔子.

15、Lao Tzu said, " The people fear not death, why threaten them with it? "───老子说过: “ 民不畏死, 奈何以死惧之. ”

lao tzu相似词语短语


2、mao tai───茅台酒




洛必达(Lao Tzu)是中国古代哲学家、道家学派的创始人,同时也是《道德经》的作者。据传说,他是周朝时期的一位史官。洛必达的思想强调自然、无为而治、阴阳平衡,强调“无为而治”,认为人应该顺应自然,不去强迫事物的发展,并主张“无为而治”。

